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  1. The Silent One

    Global Expansion of Hindu Nationalism

    As time begins to go by, the world will see India's true colors. It's only a matter of time before they start sending Muslims to the Camps. But don't mistake the enemy for Hindus, it's India. They hate every single one of their neighboring nations, they're now blockading Nepal (81% Hindu) in a...
  2. The Silent One

    IMF Prediction GDP per capita of European countries 2016 vs GDP per capita 1938

    I called it difficult referring to navigating it xD The Wikipedia article is a simple version of the Chart that i refer to often. I'm not an Economist yet, i'm studying to become a Developmental Economist. What is official Syrian government spending? We have a rough estimate including the...
  3. The Silent One

    IMF Prediction GDP per capita of European countries 2016 vs GDP per capita 1938

    Why is it that every single post of yours feels the need to attack my person or skills or knowledge. Most GDP figures are estimates. We are never certain because of multiple factors. Hell, the IMF even states multiple times they estimate the GDP of countries as they never have clear access...
  4. The Silent One

    IMF Prediction GDP per capita of European countries 2016 vs GDP per capita 1938

    No. It's a gift of my University Economic courses. But thank you or the complement :-) According to the CIA World factbook, in 2014 only 21% of the Syrian GDP derives from Government spending. 65% comes from Private consumption. The World Factbook Private consumption has increased due to the...
  5. The Silent One

    IMF Prediction GDP per capita of European countries 2016 vs GDP per capita 1938

    ..... GDP (the Economy) is often measured through Expenditure. GDP formula: Private Consumption + Government + Investment + (Exports - Imports) People will always consume (Food, Shelter, Clothing) and Government will always spend (e.g. Military). Is War good? No. But the GDP won't show you...
  6. The Silent One

    Reasons for ban: A guide for new members.

    :what: Last week, i had a fight with an Indian on this forum. According to him, Muslims are evil and killed hundreds of millions of Hindus and named a mountain "Killer of Hindus". He said this was because the Prophet Mohammed was evil and encouraged Muslims to kill non-Muslims. He has not been...
  7. The Silent One

    IMF Prediction GDP per capita of European countries 2016 vs GDP per capita 1938

    That's impossible, Wars don't reduce GDP. Syria went from $2,807 (2010) per capita to $3,790 (2014). (source is Wikipedia) This is because GDP depends on spending. Every time you spend $1 , it increases the GDP by $1.
  8. The Silent One

    India’s middle class is actually the world’s poor

    No :no: You consider Poor (from what i'm guessing) to be somebody who is starving, without internet or a means of transportation. I was poor in the US for 2 years, and i had everything you have. I ate 3 meals per day, i never starved. I had a house and internet etc. I even had enough money to...
  9. The Silent One

    India’s middle class is actually the world’s poor

    In their Middle Class study, Pew Research Center suggests a minimum of $10 per day to be considered Middle Class. A Global Middle Class Is More Promise than Reality | Pew Research Center Therefore, if you earn $10 per person in your household you are Middle class. If you're interested, they...
  10. The Silent One

    India’s middle class is actually the world’s poor

    The person i was replying to, was trying to say that PPP multiples the wealth of Indians, so an Indian making $1 per hour is actually making $3 per hour. (according to India's GDP per capita, $1 can buy you $3 in India). I was trying to say PPP is awesome and all, but just because an Indian...
  11. The Silent One

    India’s middle class is actually the world’s poor

    Fair enough. I still prefer the USD approach.
  12. The Silent One

    India’s middle class is actually the world’s poor

    Officially and internationally, To be middle class you need to earn $10 per day at the lowest. But this is per person. If Ajay earns $10 per day for himself, his wife & 2 children, they're poor. Because they have $2.50 per person. Even if they can eat 2 meals per day and have a 4 MBPS...
  13. The Silent One

    India’s middle class is actually the world’s poor

    Then he is a millionaire. Often, international organizations (e.g. World Bank , IMF, UN) follow a USD approach. It's why America doesn't have PPP. We compare every country to America.
  14. The Silent One

    India’s middle class is actually the world’s poor

    PPP is awesome at leveling the playing field and many people who study Economics like myself use it. But there's one problem with it: It doesn't really effect much. It's true, that $1 in India can buy you $3 worth of stuff in America. But that doesn't mean an Indian who earns $10,000 annually...
  15. The Silent One


    Lol, Algerians sure do love their conspiracies :omghaha: I can't wait to see who you think founded ISIS.
  16. The Silent One

    Why France's Far Right is Set to Win Big on Sunday

    I like Marine Le Pen and i'm a muslim. People keep saying she's racist or islamophobic, but i don't see it. I think she's pretty logical and has a lot of great ideas that can help France. Obviously, not all of the FN politicians are as intelligent as her. Like they say in the US "it takes a...
  17. The Silent One

    Was the Taj Mahal originally an ancient Hindu temple?

    Why am i not surprised... The Indian Hindus always make up lies to attack Islam and destroy anything to do with Islam. I remember meeting a Hindu online who claimed Muslims killed at least 100 million Hindus in , i quote, "The world's worst holocaust!" The Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, no...
  18. The Silent One

    Russia presented 'evidence' of Turkey's oil ties to ISIS — but it has a crucial flaw

    Rumor has it, ISIS is actually just a bunch of Turks and Al-Baghdadi is none other than Erdogan in a great disguise. ;)
  19. The Silent One

    Important : NATO funding for ANSF until 2020

    I'll bet money that if NATO ever leaves, Afghanistan will collapse within 2-3 weeks.
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