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  1. T

    Opening another front against Pakistan - Naval exercises off gujarat

    Are we an ultra rich country. Can we imagine the cost involved for 1 month sustained exercise and will the results be worth the cost. A big NO.
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    Hit it Where it Matters !

    Such negative though process. Instead of asking your own government, why your FDI level is less than Bangladesh, exports slumping and even more questions, you plan on how to disrupt Indian FDI. I will just say this thing, short of an all out war, nothing will disrupt FDI in India. Even the...
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    Here Is Why the US Military Is Not In Panic Mode Over China's Carrier-Killer Missiles

    Just a few doubt regarding this asbm thing: a) Will real time targeting be possible in the sense,will not some time pass between the satellite or UAV passing on the co-ordinates to the kill vehicle, within which the ship would have moved. 1 minute gap will still lead to the ship at full speed...
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    China needs to worry about effect of India industrial transfer on production chain

    Ahh. First for indians lets first work and do something good then it will talk for itself. As for chinese on pdf please remember where were you even 10 years back, stop behaving like arrogant princes. Tech ever evolving thing, india is in the process if absorbing tech. We produce brilliant...
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    Incursion by Chinese troops reported in Aruanchal

    Please lets not entertain such source based news which are used mostly to create hysteria and sell the toilet papers.
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    Beat Pakistani actors with shoes, send them back home: BJP MLA Sangeet Som

    One mla out of 4000 odd all over india giving an opinion and everybody makung predictions basef on that.
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    Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

    Toilet news from the toilet paper. No central goverment official has said anything. All hawabazi going on.
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    India vying for air superiority

    Lets not become too gung ho and demean f16. Aammram c5 is still the longest range bvr, as per known specs, in south asia.
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    Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s second coming is a US-Pakistan enterprise

    Mr. Bhadrakumar has a good ability if using selected citings to support his biased opinions. Like the fact; he speaks of cia support for GH in 1980s but not the hellfire strike on his convoy in 2002. Also no mention of how he was kept isolated in Iran but just because he was in Iran, it is...
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    Lets Fight Against Poverty - Narendra Modi's Message to Pakistan

    Thanks, we both agree there will be no overt war. But yes covert war will continue. I am not for overt war but yes covert war as a response should be intensified depending on what the top security people feel right. I have no idea what evidence intelligence agencies have, but yes if they have...
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    Future of SD-10 in PAF?

    Pakdef is a forum, no documents or chines sources I assume. But then thinking of it and comparing to other aesa platforms, lower cost engine (single engine and russian), possible low r&d employee, costs in China, lower cost of avionics - $65mn give or take would make sense. But that is of the...
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    Future of SD-10 in PAF?

    Ple Is it the price of the AESA version, if so plz send the source.
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    Lets Fight Against Poverty - Narendra Modi's Message to Pakistan

    Uff, that you can't do, sorry to say that. Only way for you to do that is if you want your own country to go extinct. Small border skirmishes or a short war or even a war limited to conventional weapons, may slow down but will not stop Indian economy. Only suicidal nuclear war will do that. Now...
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    Lets Fight Against Poverty - Narendra Modi's Message to Pakistan

    I don't know how much of you all know that India got a massive $7bn fdi from Vodafone a few days back. Auctions of airwaves are coming which will garner over $50bn. We have a hard choice, reacting now overtly and losing on the long term growth to be mid income country. A lot more people die in...
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    Future of SD-10 in PAF?

    An AESA equipped plane will no way be costing only $50m, the calculations are all haywire. AESA manufacturing costs are more related to material and less related to labour, so Chinese AESA should in no way be massively less costly than a Western AESA. So I can't agree that AESA equiped J10 will...
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    India plans to invest $25b in Bangladesh: Envoy

    I frankly am amazed at the fact that some bangladeshi instead of accepting that they can if they want get huge benefits frm having a large growing india are pulling out some absurd reasoning. Investments for setting up a factory is ina sense lot different than the run of the mill investments in...
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    The Indian Rafale: Why Pakistan Should Celebrate! -Opinion (ALL Rafale posts here please)

    HQ 9 is straight forward answer but there are a number of more puzzles that need to be solved. Meteor plus aesa plus spectra make detection difficult and give first shoot capability. But then rafale would be a worry around 2025 when numbers approach the 100 number as initial batches to be uses...
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    The Indian Rafale: Why Pakistan Should Celebrate! -Opinion (ALL Rafale posts here please)

    Very shallow analysis. Especially the point c where it would be neutralized, without anything happening like this in the horizon, this point being said reeks of a fan boy and not of a rational mind. Would have been better to read the Rafale sticky thread to have a better idea.
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    Yes but then hopefully then don't act on it. That will be crossing the line, I hope you agree to that.
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