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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    “Fortunately, all incoming reports and images of drones which were monitoring the operation suggest that the six medium-range powerful Iranian missiles have precisely hit the targets, the key bases of terrorists in the general area of Dayr al-Zawr inside Syria.” Quote from IRGC commander...
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    Not sure about the 3th impact zone
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    Yeah maybe " Abu sa'd al husseiny " was playing soccer at night wit his buddy terrorist out in the open or maybe to go out on a stroll to walk his dog, BlueInGreen2 where do you see freaking underground base?!
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    Jesus Christ IRGC get your shit together :tsk: CEP 50 m
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    Don't know but it seems the building just across the impact zone was of some importance mabe its just me don't know. Why would you hit the fucking open field!?
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    Somehow I feel buthurt because that missile didn't strike that building little bit to the north :angry::mad:
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    on 5:11 this was place of impact town was Al Mayadin
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    Soheil what type of missiles were they firing Zulfiqar or Fateh Im confused?
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    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    By the trails on clips at least 4 were fired from only one place, maybe there were more places where missiles have been fired from.
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    Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

    Looks like someone is losing its patience with their sponsored terrorist dogs across middle east...
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    One question is Bavar system capable to launch missiles from airborne vessels such as F 14 and other aircraft that would be awesome to have airborne launching capabilities where missile is guided from the gound based radar systems. I do believe range of these missiles can be extended to much...
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    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    This looks more like a guided mortar shell which I find way more effective than dumb mortar shell... Why fire 10 mortar shells when you can fire one with deadly precission.
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    Israel and Hezbollah's Golan calculations

    There goes a good chunk of SA air force, it only takes one ballistic missile!
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    Meet Owj: Iran’s First Indigenous Fighter Jet Engine

    @mohsen why haven't they shown wreckage of drone??
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    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    what is the name for the iranian national pistol?
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    casual mind fucking games from IRGC air defence division but I believe these missiles can be mounted on any vehicle as long as that vehicle supports the tonnage and weight of missile
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    Iran's Rouhani unveils landmark bill guaranteeing rights, freedom of speech

    My dear, I think Iran is not a theocracy at the bottom of the core, it appears to be theocracy if you look facade of Iranian structure from top to bottom. It is rather more structured like Plato's system of governorship where philosophers have the highest ranking positions who run this...
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