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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    @xenon54 Hi Xenon, as I've spoke of Flamers nemesis earlier, here he is :) (and he has a history book with him to, probably also brought his crayons along)
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    No European country can be 'exempt' from taking in refugees, says French President

    @Penguin Europe isn't in a contest on who has more natives per immigrant. At this point I don't understand what your point actually is. (and Serbia/Bulgaria as examples...sorry, but LOL )
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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    and ? Everyone is settling scores atop Syria, including the Syrians themselves. Syria is finished. Let's move forward.
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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    Pai aia paranoici sunt aia care il voteaza, nu-i surpriza ca au si din astia. Si nu ca la datoram neaparat ceva, dar acum ei ce vrei sa faca? Ca au milioane. Si aia din Berlin a zis ca toti sunt bineveniti aici, asa ca vin toti aici. Noi avem fix 0 politica UE cu imigrantii dar ii injuram pe...
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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    Da, stiu, dar Erdogan nu-i Turcia. O mare parte din turci nu-l plac si o sa zboare si el pana la urma.Turcia ramane acolo. Asa ca ce sens are toata cearta asta? Mai ales ca EU s-a facut santajabila gratie alora de vad unicorni si curcubee peste tot. Sti cum e, prost nu-i cel ce cere, ci cel ce da.
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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    Toata lume si-a bagat nasul acolo, hai sa nu dam vina numai pe ei. Si daca nu vor astia din vest sa faca curat, macar sa-i ajutam cu bani pe turci. Ca nu se vrea si astia din vest viseaza cai verzi pe pereti asta-i altceva. . De cand esti tu asa anti turci?:)
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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    I think he mainly blames Germany actually and gets hot headed because a certain Turkish member keeps poking him :) Personally, the best response would be to secure the borders, accept only the dire cases and support Turkey with money. But this a null point, as this evolved in to something else...
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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    Because the political will isn't there in the West. On the contrary. hence the crisis.
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    Turkey spends astounding $7.6bn on 2.2mn Syrian refugees, more than global budget of UNHCR

    There are two different issues and people are getting to hot headed to discern between the two: 1 - taking in immigrants who are in dire need 2 - taking in uncontrolled immigration, most of it economical I'm all for the first option and wouldn't mind my country taking in, voluntary, a couple...
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    Storming the barricades: Hundreds of migrants smash their way through Hungary's razor-wire border

    Yes, but replace EU with Germany and France. I'm not sure I see your point. We will take 1785 and not one more.If other countries want to take more, it's their decision. Also, Mr Juncker would do good to remember that he is addressing sovereign nations and not school children which he can...
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    Storming the barricades: Hundreds of migrants smash their way through Hungary's razor-wire border

    The issue isn't that we can't absorb them, the problem is the way this is handled, politically. It's a Brussels (read Berlin) lead circus and they can't get it through their thick skulls that acting like some sort of dictators and "imposing stuff" won't fly forever.Especially when it's something...
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    Jeremy Corbyn addresses crowds at pro-refugee rally

    Whats with you and Romania lately? I mean, don't you have something else to do with your time, especially considering all the shi!t going on around Turkey and in Turkey? Take some popcorn and enjoy the migrant circus, head clown frau Merkel :) Your from Pakistan, people that live in glass...
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    Why Romania had to ban Holocaust denial twice

    @Penguin it's a non-issue to start with, antisemitism is absent in Romania, nobody is denying anything because nobody cares or knows that much about it, hence it's a useless piece of paper with which I don't agree. They're beating a dead horse, and it's been dead for decades..:) The only point...
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    Sikh Warrior Hari Singh Nalwa Tops list of " Top Ten World Conquerors"

    How the hell is: bigger than this? Beside the fact the Alexander did it all with far fewer resources at his disposal and no "hype" new religion at his back Now, he deserves a spot on that list, more so than Mehmet, but let's stop exaggerating... And Hari Sinhg Nalwa is definitely not on...
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    Lavrov: Era of Western Dominance in Economy, Politics Ending.

    Now back to the real world: Chinese investment in Russia drops 25% .http://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/chinese-investment-in-russia-drops-25/ it seems the Russians aren't very happy with what China is proposing - to turn Russia in a strictly consumer market for Chinese products, so the money...
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    Lavrov: Era of Western Dominance in Economy, Politics Ending.

    Interesting how his logic works: the "West" (I'm guessing he means about 4 continents worth of countries) has the power to impose sanctions and use military force almost at discretion, however such power is "artificial" because ..something. Maybe because he says so? And Russia talking about...
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    Why Romania had to ban Holocaust denial twice

    There was a Holocaust in Romania, mainly in Basarabia, Thing is, nobody cares and this law doesn't change anything simply because everyone will ignore it like they did the first one. A non-solution for a non-problem.
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    France train gunman 'dumbfounded' by terrorism allegations

    He had what..11 clips with him? And a pistol. And a knife. All in all, about 300 bullets. Probably he needed 300 warning shoots to be sure the robbery went ok. One for each passenger, preferably in the head...
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    Germany to withdraw Patriot missiles from Turkey in 2016

    It's not only that...if you God forbid go nuts and leave NATO, in your place I would stay far, faaaar away from Russia and pray they go belly up in the future.
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