Muhajir neo-liberals are the biggest promoters of Bharat & Bangladesh besides Pajeets & Binglos themselves but would never go to live in these countries. Wonder why.
They were the ones complaining about Binglo immigration to Karachi in the 90s alongside their Sindhi elite sidekicks. Now look at...
It depends on the situation. Both India & Canada have different interests for America and the NATO gang. I always stated that despite being disliked for other reasons and living with stereotypes, Indians are still politically favored in the West over Pakistanis.
Both the World Bank and UN make doubtful claims. If over 700 million people have no toilets in a population of 1.4 billion that's more than half the population.
India and Bangladesh are far dirtier and overcrowded countries compared to Pakistan.
Overpopulation made them come. But what's funny is Canada's infrastructure is so outdated like the rest of the Western World.
An Egyptian tenant I had remarked to me "and they call us third world."
Still playing false equivalence fallacy? Can't really teach logic to a Pajeet
"False equivalence is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone incorrectly asserts that two or more things are equivalent, simply because they share some characteristics, despite the fact that there are also...
Indian Muslims coming to Pakistan.
One of my mother's friend told me he knew Indian Muslims working as rickshaw drivers, married to Pakistani citizens.
LOL fallacy of false equivalance. Open defication is the largest in Pajeetistan than any other country. No wonder it's known to be a **** hole.
As for aid, did Pak really get more?