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    Australian sentenced to 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia for blasphemy

    You guys are acting in a rush!!!! It is a time where we don't need to judge others. See the problem of Sunni Shia and other has being coming after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we keep arguing and judging other since then and now see where we see ourselves. Some one of us getting excited...
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    Australian sentenced to 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia for blasphemy

    So being a Shia is a crime?????
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    Proof that Israel is responsible for 911

    BTW guys why the hell those Osama's people attack the pentagon and world trade center??? What did we get from those disasters? Several innocent people from different cultural died those attack. American government got the chance to call us Muslim terrorist, invade Afghanistan, bomb Pakistan...
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    Iran Woman Soldier 1979 and Today

    Most of the member here are too much pessimistic about Iran just because Iran is a Shia country. Oh! Muslim brothers, be united among each others. Our Sunni-Shia blah blah problem caused us too much trouble. We are not in situation to fight other Muslim brothers. There is more than enough...
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    Dear Mr Blain2, I just noticed that the thread is still not sticky. Can you check it once again please!
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    Abhey yaar ! I am very disappointed by some guys here. I made this thread for photo collection but now see there is 2+ pages of BS. Guys it is enough to talk about slogan, religions, publicity of military personal, arguments and other shits etc. Please keep this thread for photos and SSGs...
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    No Offence guys! This thread was made for photo collections but not for argument or comparison or other shits etc. Detail about photo and stories of SSGs, SSGNs and SSWs are accepted but other shits are not. PLEASE STICK TO TOPIC AND DON'T RUIN THE THREAD AS THERE ARE AMAZING PHOTOS BEING...
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    Thanks guys! You all are ******* hero for uploading such beautiful photos! I am really great fan of Pakistan Commandos! The good thing is at regular army are exchanging experiences with commandos!
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    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    If you just use a common sense then you will find a big difference between Gaza and Pakistan. So I believe it is not Gaza yet. When Pakistan give up all her nuclear arsenal, when our people fight Indian and American with stones and covering their faces like Hamas army, when we dig tunnel to...
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    Inside the OBL Raid

    I believe if Pakistan wanted to deal with infiltrating force then they had dealt with them on SO CALLED osama site rather than in Air.
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    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    Pakistan don't want to turn into another Gaza!
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    Iran issues tough warning to Turkey on Syria

    Turkey-------> NATO member, military ties with Israel, pro American, but Muslim country. Syria---------> Anti Israel, Anti American, Against America and Israel with Iran, Muslim country. Iran----------> Anti Israel, Anti American, Against America and Israel with Syria, Muslim country, mostly...
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    Mokhtar Narrative

    I don't think Mokhtar Narrative is accepted by all Muslim.
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    Mokhtar Narrative

    Sorry I am not quite good at my english, can you explain what is unbiased? Thanks
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    Mokhtar Narrative

    The link to complete movie is here Iranian Serials and Films - Drive - Shia Source you can also watch it on youtube if you got slow speed internet cos the file capacity on shiasource is bigger than youtube file!
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    Mokhtar Narrative

    Hi guys I want to have some chit chat about some Islamic movie. Anyone interested to have some chit chat feel free. Please no trolling, if you get offended please leave this thread rather than flaming with others or trolling around! Wasalaam On topic! Mokhtar is a Shia Muslim leader who...
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    where will grounded A-5'S go?

    Give them to Taliban, so that we can tell each other "Bring em On!" heheh!!!!!
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    News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

    Hi! I am not expert in Jet fighter shits but I have read a bit about F-16s, JF-17s and J10s.:rolleyes: To me this thread looks like a punch to Pakistanis from Chinese :sick:...... and the posts look like Pakistanis are trying to punch back :azn: Chinese :sick: (Referred to internet fans, not...
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    Oslo attacker Anders Breivik and Eur. right's hate-filled rhetoric

    Guys! honestly how do you say ISLAMIC terrorist, Islam has no terrorist and Muslim are not terrorist. I am a Muslim and follow Islamic religion and it doesn't mean I am terrorist. Neither Jews are terrorist, nor Muslim, Christians, Buddhist, Hindu blah blah. Terrorists are arshole who are used...
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