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  1. NyczAce


    Go India! <3 I just hope they dont get complacent. SA, NZ are my other favs.Ozzies are unpredictable. Valiant Effort by BD in the last game.Well tried! Pakistan seems a bit lost, weird lineups and strats.
  2. NyczAce

    Your favorite English songs

    Assembly Song! <3
  3. NyczAce

    BJP opposes reservations for Muslims: Rajnath

    We have enough reservations already, there's no need for any more buttering.Reservations on the basis of religion can only create hatred and confusion. SAY NO TO RESERVATIONS!
  4. NyczAce

    The hopelessly romantic dead poets' society :)

    One of the most beautiful, romantic and chirpy songs of all times!
  5. NyczAce

    The hopelessly romantic dead poets' society :)

    One of my favorite.I used it as a bahana to lock my gf with me! :smitten: :D Overall song is long, i like the main line the most. Another good one.
  6. NyczAce

    How do you stay fit?

    Haha! From what i can decipher, gichi means neck in Punjabi, right? Maram Pitti is from Maro which means to hit. Oh man! i miss kho-kho.
  7. NyczAce

    How do you stay fit?

    hehe... Maram Pitti(its like a desi dodgeball) - Played with a hard rubber ball(tennis ball size) and all you have to do is hit anyone around you(not the face) as hard as you can.Only rule is that you cant move, when you have the ball.Loads of running around and preffered in small enclosed...
  8. NyczAce

    How do you stay fit?

    Since I'm fresh out of school, i dont have a regimen, so its mostly sports Soccer, Basketball, Swimming, Cricket, Badminton, Bowling. Desi games- Param Pitti Pithu
  9. NyczAce


    Quake 3 Arena, Counter Strike, UT, Age of Empires, Max Payne, GTA ( all uptill san andreas), Warcraft, DOTA, NFS UG,UG2,MW, Halo, Tony Hawk's, Pro Evo, Project IGI, SWAT.... Mostly Oldies...even my comp needs an upgrade! Any of you guys have clans?
  10. NyczAce

    India to be the greatest superpower

    Haha.. this is a bit too overstretched.We all know where we are right now and what we need to do, which is a lot. ROFL :taz:
  11. NyczAce

    'No' to Bangalore, 'Yes' to Buffalo -- Barrack Hussein Obama

    Cut the crap! 2007- About five students, all men, bagged international offers with over Rs 1 crore CTC. The average domestic CTC was at Rs 15,03,000 and the average of international offers stood at $1,35,000. About 9 per cent of students got offers below Rs 10 lakh in the campus recruitment in...
  12. NyczAce

    Tell Ur real names

    Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined British Boy Legally Changes Name To 'Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine The Hulk And The Flash Combined' - Geekologie
  13. NyczAce

    Top Five People in Pakistan (or the world) I'd Like to Punch in the Face

    MODS please move this to the appropriate section.
  14. NyczAce

    Pakistanis worry about their international image

    I get really scared by this kind of mindset, its just silly when people over exert this notion and always blame the others for the mess.Every speech by Rehman ive heard, has to have "people who do not want Pakistan to grow are trying to destabilize Pak"....i somehow find this to be a very...
  15. NyczAce

    Top Five People in Pakistan (or the world) I'd Like to Punch in the Face

    1.Zaid Hamid 2.Varun Gandhi 3.Zaid Hamid(uppercut this time) 4.Chris Brown/Mike Tyson 5.Anyone from BSP(mayawati's party)
  16. NyczAce

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    Everything is going on at a snails pace right now.Last time when the fuel priice hike took place, there were a huge number of people converting to CNG because its cheap, but there's lack of infrastructure.Our govt is so fcuking slow....just go and check out the rush at the CNG stations.Demand...
  17. NyczAce

    Lockheed Martin briefs Indian Navy on Aegis missile defence system

    Yup, this is a theory...maybe.But in the past few months, everyone has seen how the US cant live without China and vice-versa.
  18. NyczAce

    Lockheed Martin briefs Indian Navy on Aegis missile defence system

    ^^ Ya, i think we should refrain ourselves from going too close to the US.Development is already in full swing...PDV, Bhramos.
  19. NyczAce

    Why I wear a Burqa: Burqa gives protection and respect

    This is coming from a person, who groups up every Indian, into a stereotypical monster-being.Dude, You are the one who needs to learn to respect not us. Again, its you again whose using the 'Chankya diplomacy'! You dont even have the ball s to declare your own country, wtf are you ranting...
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