I'm fairly certain that I have mentioned repeatedly on various occasions in this forum that I left Islam not for money but for a bit of sanity.
Thank you very much.
Im surprised you failed to notice an input given by the retired Pakistani controller of arms.
The keywords here being: "retired PAKISTANI MILITARY OFFICIAL"
I hear a lot of people complaining about its performance. I'll quote a friend of mine: " The lagdroid phones are nice at first, but they are guaranteed to lag after 2 months of use".
Its a thread in here about the parliament briefing. Look it up yourself. What you believe won't change the fact that 11 pak soldiers went to meet their maker this month.
In absolute numbers the debt has been paid twice over.
For 5 Indian lives 11 pakistani lives. This is ofcourse, quite insensitive and disgusts me thoroughly to pull it out on your face. But some folks just never learn.
For the five lives you took from India. We took 10--including a captain.
Do you realize how absurd this sounds ? Stop sending terrorists across. Stick to the ceasefire pakistan !!
Meaningless sabre rattling :lol:
Where will they go from India ? Looking at the scope of their manufacturing facilities in Chennai--I don't think its even possible for them to create a new production strategy unless pushed into a corner.