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  1. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    We don't have a very successful ingenious small cars manufacturing facilities like Tata but we do have trucks and military vehicles manufacturing facilities. Pakistan Vehicle Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. National Motors Limited, established in Karachi to assemble Bedford Trucks. Subsequently buses...
  2. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    Manufacturing Facilities | Toyota Indus Manufacturing Process | Toyota Indus Other then that this thread is just a waste of time mods should delete it. Read above post. Youtube is banned here, so i can't give u links from utube. u may search for them.
  3. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    Oh, come on you got to admit that u r just trolling and when i say that we are not behind you then you just don't accept. So this discussion is going nowhere.
  4. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    lol.......its not rocket engines we are talking about man. you are stupid if you think india can do it and Pakistan can't..
  5. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    Because of Trolls and troll lords from India.:woot::p: Oh don't get afghanistan involved now, Talibans are kicking ur butts there and you are not doing any thing to stop or fight the Talibans, we are fighting the Talibans for you My friend engine and transmission is not all the cars whole...
  6. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    I was talking about looks of cities and modernizations, you can see the pics of your cities and our discussed in-depth here with pics Roads in New Delhi vs Karachi Any way i'll still answer your question 1.Infrastructure Islamabad wins, because its the best city in this category. search for...
  7. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    You surely don't know any thing about Islamabad, please ask the indians who are living in Islamabad. ask the people who are working in the High Commission of India in Islamabad. Islamabad is a world class city comparable to cities of Europe you are stupid if you compare it with indian cities or...
  8. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    You surely don't know anything about Indus motors or manufacturing, if that is the case tell me did Tata also creates every single part in their vehicle? No Not even a single pin is manufactured purely 100% by any country, some thing is always involved in the creation of products which are...
  9. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    the only thing Pak and india should do is reduce infact reduce the defence budged by more then 60% and spend that money on people. You both got nukes, so when the time comes beat the crap out of each other with what u got. but till then let the poor live.................Plz Peace. Very true my...
  10. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    You are suppose to give us gifts, u have a bigger economy.:-)
  11. Comrade

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    Su30 is more beautiful then a dream girl.
  12. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    More people means more resources, and a magnet for investors. for that reason you were suppose to be doing good not going below poverty lines. China is an example. and some states of India are also an example like Kerala, which is doing very well but over all of india is not what bollywood or...
  13. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    I am not a troll....simple rest is upto u to guess. Bangladesh is working nice better then indians no doubt, indians are wasting there poor tax payers money on arms and military. India is the reason we are also in a poor state, if india realises this there is a huge potential for india to be a...
  14. Comrade

    Nepal and Bangladesh reducing poverty faster than India

    Oxford study. London: Nepal and Bangladesh are reducing poverty faster compared to India, according to a new study based on the multidimensional poverty index developed at the University of Oxford and used by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in its Human Development Reports. India also made...
  15. Comrade

    World’s largest Ferris wheel in India

    What if those billions of dollars were used for poverty reduction in West Bengal, a very poor and very rural state.
  16. Comrade

    US military may hand over Afghan war equipment to Pakistan

    HMC can produce more capable war machines, but surely any thing is better when its free.
  17. Comrade

    How can Pakistan counter India’s ABM system?

    Plz stop wasting Indian tax payers money plz, this region is a poor region and use it to develop your inhabitants. Peace,
  18. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    Looks like i kicked the stupids in the butt, no one dares to answer the questain i asked above.....................lol Stupid Indians laughing at there own indian express mistake like if it was Dawn of Pakistan or the News of Pakistan. Its just miserably funny, should be posted else where for...
  19. Comrade

    Pak Breaks Indian Monopoly over Vehicle Supply to Lanka

    How hilarious you Indians are, since you can't say a word about your strategies when Pak kicks u in ur a....s....s so here are all the indian members trolling around in a forum which is sourced to their own media. You should be ashamed how pathetic your media is, no Pakistani media source has...
  20. Comrade

    Pakistan buys Chinese subs to counter India 'threats'

    Indians will also be eating uranium and plutonium for like 6 months underwater. Indefinite word for nuclear subs is too much farfetched. It may seem somewhat strange for India to lease a Russian nuclear submarine, and at a heavy cost those nuclear subs are a burden on Indian tax payers nothing...
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