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  1. chinapakistan

    Mumbai struggles to catch up with Shanghai

  2. chinapakistan

    Superpower dreams interrupted

    It's not the time to embrace real democracy in china, we are still developing country and we have 80million people living under poverty line, the literacy rate is not 100%, and people who got high level educated is low compairing to developed country, so it is not the time. And we dont wanna...
  3. chinapakistan

    Indians view China as friend, but Chinese don't: Survey

    Oh, indian media blame china almost everyday, and your polician say china is a threat almost every day, under this condition, what kind of reaction can you expect from chinese? And now you wanna talk about friendship, do you have no shame? BTW:Just take a look at the comments post by indian on...
  4. chinapakistan

    China's Huawei offers to share source code

    Oh my god, an indian wanna talk about corruption.:lol: You are super power in this area, we cant beat you. And in china, polician who are corrupted will get very serious punishment, but in india, corruption is free, that has become a part of indian culture. Amost every polician has a swiss...
  5. chinapakistan

    Superpower dreams interrupted

    ^^^^^^^ The chinese people and media never say we will become a super power, but the world say so. Be opposed, some country's people and media and polician say they will supass US, China, will bla bla bla, will become a super power everyday, but the whole world doesent even think so.:lol:
  6. chinapakistan

    Superpower dreams interrupted

    What is truth? An article from an editor is truth. Oh, if so, every truth in the world has the opposed truth against it.:lol: BTW: Dont include caste democracy in Democracy, that is dishonor to real democracy.
  7. chinapakistan

    Cultural exchanges improve friendship between Pak, China

    Good news, chinese young should know more about pakistan-china friendship, and this should be spreaded generation to generation.
  8. chinapakistan

    Economy to grow by 4.3 percent in fiscal year 2010

    Congrates.~~~ I believe after pakistan kick out the terrorists and focus on economy, the economy growth rate will be doubled.:pakistan:
  9. chinapakistan

    China offers stunning duty-free access to Nepal for 4,721 items after offering BD

    Good work, Asian country should help each other.
  10. chinapakistan

    China's Huawei offers to share source code

    Any src? or just your another BS?
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