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  1. C

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    So is it true ? we're all just part of something planned, and agents from the other side consisting of johnny, x-man and nina are going to take over us? Mods I need some more ammo..:sniper: :sniper: :flame: :devil:
  2. C

    Adux Gone Wild

    Well i've noticed webby isn't posting as much as he used to, any reason for that?
  3. C

    India Creating Ring of Fire in South Asia

    It's your responce to my last post that made my last post even funnier. I knew you'd reply...I knew you couldn't resist..
  4. C

    India Creating Ring of Fire in South Asia

    Another classic , repped!!:flame:
  5. C

    Gripen Offers Complete Technology Transfer In Bid To Win Indian Air Force MRCA Contra

    To indian members, If tha Gripen is chosen would that mean the end of LCA? Because they are very similar fighters or would India have two similar fighters in it's airforce? Or would India not go for Gripen for this very reason?
  6. C

    Adux Gone Wild

    Gud stuff (although being jelous at the same time due to my pathetic post count)
  7. C


    What are the implications of the curfew? can anyone please explain, hopefully it mean's they cut off electrisity, stop food from going in and out. Maybe they can cut off the water supply too? that way those who are inside will have to surrener and bloodshed can be stopped?
  8. C

    Who's the richest Pakistani alive?

    Yup saw that too dabong, I remeber it specifically said "Recently sold their MUlti-billion dollar insurance company". Though I thought that programme was crap and those PAkistani's were well connected with the Bush family and some of his Aunty's view were disgusting. Even so how come he isn't...
  9. C

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    Yeah well your the Mod so I know you know exactly what your doing, but I'd say delete the "Jhonny" account. Anyway who cares if his stuff's from google or books? aslong as its facts it doesn't really matter does it Keys?
  10. C


    CON Pakistan has the largest illegal small arms bazar in the world. getting hold of an unlicensed AK-47 is no problem. I wouldn't think getting hold of gas masks is any hard business either. The Lal Masjid has certainly taken advantage of the Governments leniancy and calm sentiments.
  11. C

    Who's the richest Pakistani alive?

    Guy's this thread is supposed to be taken light heartedly. It's just some fun speculation and all I was asking was some inputs. Don't get silly in making a big issue out of it and start comparing standard of life and crap. I just wanted to see who the big shot tycoon was here. so far the answer...
  12. C

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    Come on guys lets cut some slack here:coffee: His info looks pretty good to me.
  13. C

    Can they do it?

    Come on bro, this is a fact of Pakistan that in most households the man of the house is the bread earner. I never actually thought this was up for discussion I always thought it was accepted. I think Benazir Bhutto is more the exeption than the rule. That's the thing If these women pass onto...
  14. C

    Babur ready for induction

    The first cruise missile was produced in 1917.. your point being?:coffee: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruise_missile I don't know how you can justify the difficulty with a faulty timeline
  15. C

    He, She and a Pilot!!!

    where is the "I got no idea im confused as anything" option?
  16. C

    Can they do it?

    Not really, remember this thread is realetd to woman combat pilots in PAKISTAN. Therefore all compromises/suggestions/solutions should be Pakistan culture specific. And it's a known fact in Pakistani society males are usually the sole bread winners in most families. Though I don't see this a...
  17. C

    Can they do it?

    how come the term MCP(MAle chauvanist PIG) is being brandished about in this forum. Fox hound all the points you raised need to be considered and are very good points. Why are you scared of being victimised and labeled as a MCP. Very wierd havn't come accross this before.
  18. C

    Just a few questions

    It's just as likely to grow larger through out it's lifecycle just like the Flying Falcon. It's going to be interesting to see how exactly the JF-17 Thunder will evolve. I can certainly see it carrying CFT's in the near future. I can also see different engines being used in it. No doubt the PAF...
  19. C

    Israeli nuclear whistleblower jailed for 6 months

    Different circumstances for AQ Khan? The guy has some less restrictions on him and check out the media frenzy that surrounded him, they even have American congressmen and women grumbling about him. Wheras this guy get's arrested and doesn't have nearly as much hit's on google as AQ Khan. Again...
  20. C

    Israeli nuclear whistleblower jailed for 6 months

    Other things to cover? this is just as important and there is no where near the media attention generated like say easing of restrictions on AQ Khan. London and Glasgow were both failed attempts. Lal Masjid is definately going to be covered in great detail and I bet theres going to be alot of...
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