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    Will be in Turkey (Istanbul) the next few days. Any travel/sightseeing advice?

    GALATA KULESİ (GALATA TOWER) Galata Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It has amazing istanbul view http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Golden_Horn_Panorama_Istanbul.jpg i will add new places when i remember =)
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    Will be in Turkey (Istanbul) the next few days. Any travel/sightseeing advice?

    You should definitely see "Yerebatan Sarnıcı" http://www.yerebatan.com/english/index.html Basilica Cistern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Eurofighter hopes to sell 40 jets to Turkey

    i think more important part is “We are offering to Turkey the opportunity to jointly develop the Eurofighter 2020, the next version of the Eurofighter,” said Marco Valerio Bonelli, head of public relations and communications at Eurofighter. “It wouldn’t be parts...
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    Turkey’s top religious authority seeks independent role

    First of all there is NO Islamic regime in Turkey. Turkey is secular democratic republic and Its laws are NOT based on Sheri'a. I agree that our system have some problems but it is not disgrace for anybody. Especially for ANY other islamic country.
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    Turkish PM seeks cause of coastal no vote in charter poll

    Most modernized areas ? They are more modernised than ankara istanbul sakarya kocaeli bursa ... ?
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    Turk Military's wings clipped yet again

    Acceptance of eu is not so important. Important point is we must reach the highest level of democracy freedom of expression. One we reach there we will not need eu anyway.
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    Turkey, with help from Germany, to become 'submarine manufacturer'

    WOW. It is hard to believe that Germans transferring know how. Good.
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    Turkey, with help from Germany, to become 'submarine manufacturer'

    So we are only importing AIP stuff. Anything else ?
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    TuAF F-4 Pilot hits part of a mosque.

    Anka mosque in ankara my friend. No worries. it is not blue mosque =)
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    TuAF F-4 Pilot hits part of a mosque.

    I couldnt understand clearly but between 1.04 and 1.06 secs male pilot says ... air door burned.
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    TuAF F-4 Pilot hits part of a mosque.

    There is no such information available. She is just obeying her orders.
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    Turkey's incoming military chief warns government he will uphold secularism

    Very good question. This is the real problem of Turkey my friend. NO ONE watching military. They were above all laws. No judge or prosecutor even think about to judge them. But in recent years thank to god that started to change. Now some military and ex military officers arrested for...
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    TuAF F-4 Pilot hits part of a mosque.

    Prova yapan F-4 cami alemine çarptý
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