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  1. N

    Haqqani network pushing TTP to make peace with Pakistan

    stop accusting USA and nato just declear on them i am sure taliban and TTP will support you and there will no drone attack or sucide bombing and all pakistani will live happy after(if survive from USA attack)
  2. N

    Haqqani network pushing TTP to make peace with Pakistan

    Nothing surprising since haqqani network is pro-pakistan(or pakistani or mask of ISI and pakistan) and anti-afghanistan.they will say anything for pakistan's benefit.so close the thread.
  3. N

    India to get delivery of INS Vikramaditya by Dec'12: Antony

    actually i mistakely wrote to instead of two sorry for my mistake.now i am editing my post.and i wrote something for you check out page-4 in iran navy topic and thank you for correcting my spelling.
  4. N

    Piracy costs world shipping industry $9 billion a year

    How much india's share in this $9 billion?
  5. N

    Iran tries to frighten USA with its outdated navy ships

    Dude,you have wrong idea about me.I like muslim who loves thier homeland not those who are coming to other country,fighting natives for limited resources and doing crimes,destroying natural beauty(by cutting forest for living space so they can support uncontrolabe growing population,killing...
  6. N

    India to get delivery of INS Vikramaditya by Dec'12: Antony

    Are you sure?both russian and indian are well known for delaying.I am desperatly waiting for that day when i can say we have two aircraft carrier.How many you possess?
  7. N

    Iran tries to frighten USA with its outdated navy ships

    I praise iran because it is only muslim country which is not slave of america and challange america and outdated army does not matter because army fight the war not only weapon but there is no need of such aggression.iran should save itself from USA but this is not right wayand last thing iran...
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