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  1. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    What maked me laugh is that some people are saying Iran will give this to china, does Iran know china us supplying your enemy saudi arabia with ballistic missile? china is no friend to Iran, they just want your oil. Iran should not TRUST anyone.
  2. poseidon

    Saudi Arab to spend $100bn on 16 nuclear plants !!!!!

    Iran is going to make 20 power plant and now saudi arabi is going to make them too. mosa your comment about invincible power plant made me laugh my *** off so bad. Iran is designing their own fusion reactors, i suppose saudi arabia will come out tomorrow and say they plan to make invincible...
  3. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    I still cant believe they got their hand of such a advanced tech...
  4. poseidon

    Iran shows film of captured US drone

    Even USA officials have confirmed its real. So Iran is gonna give you some of this before they reverse engineer it themselves? Iran will not give you any of it, since then only we and Iran will then have this drone, besides you dont have anything to offer them for it.
  5. poseidon

    US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

    How on earth could you possible defeat Iran? you guys are so backward, You buy some dowgraded planes now all of a sudden you think you're some superpower in the region. Iran would squash you in minutes, what will you do when few thousand of their missiles come down on your nation? all you have...
  6. poseidon

    US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

    Pass me whatever you're smoking.
  7. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    News number: 9007276673 16:44 | 2011-12-09 Defence -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iran in Possession of US Secrets TEHRAN (FNA)- The US stealth drone which was downed by Iran last week provided Tehran's military forces with...
  8. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    I just did a little research, there are 2 planes, one seems like a mannes stealth concept, and the other a UAV. the one with Top intake look very cool. but i am not sure if that intake can provide enough air for both engines, it seems to be using 2 (in the pcitures
  9. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    I dont really know about the sofreh mahi.
  10. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Iran would have to invest alot to mass produce this, imagine how much the sensors will help you. ---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 PM ---------- hopefully our 99% will overthrow the 1% and we can get our country back on track, i hope to return back to the...
  11. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Yes, Iran needs to make sure that they keep it so only they and usa have this tech.
  12. poseidon

    The World's Best Special Forces

    This is BS, Iran used to train the british MI6 during shah time. They deserve to be on the lists, dont forget how Iranian trained forces (hamas) defeated israel.
  13. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Iranian are very capable themselves, they dont need help from china or russia, also who said usa is telling them not to give away this tech? its common sence that they should not. Iran is completely self sufficient in their military so i doubt they will ask for anything. also china and russian...
  14. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    what makes you sure they will give you even 1% of this? Iranians should remember china,russia is no ally to them.
  15. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    Iran is the world second most advanced nation in terms of radar now. iamgine the boost the sensors will give to them, I heard th radar the RQ-170 has is a beast.
  16. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    What i find very funny is that USA had confirmed it but some Indian and paikistanis are burning with jelousy and saying its fake, lol keep crying.:cry: Iran please dont not give this to the russian and chinese, they are NOT your allies, china only wants you for your oil and russian is a snake...
  17. poseidon

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    I doubt Iran will let you get your hand on this tech, they are not stupid, they will be the only country other than usa to have this drone, also china or russia are not friends to Iran, Iranians should remember how you supported sanctions against them.
  18. poseidon

    Iran guns down three Pakistani fishermen

    If you randomly kill an Iranian fishermen then it is a act of war, as long as they are not in your waters.
  19. poseidon

    Iran guns down three Pakistani fishermen

    Whats NATO got to do with this? are there NATO fishermen around your country?
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