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  1. R

    Gullu Butt Beaten Up By Angry Mob In Court Premises

    Does this scene distress you...because your leaders will also face this treatment..its called street justice when the rule of law is controlled by the Mafia. I love how they kicked him in the head several times and made him suffer for the transgression he enforced on innocent people by helping...
  2. R

    Your thoughts on Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (Saladin) ?

    For over 88 years the Crusader Army in Jerusalem had a policy of divide and rule where the various tribes across the Muslim world were pitted against each other on the basis of Fiqr differences. He was the General of Sultan Nur ad-Din whose sole purpose in life was to defeat all forces that were...
  3. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Well their is enough proof on the internet that Ganja Sharif is a loans defaulter in the early 1990s. I gave you a figure in how much Hamza Sharif is actually worth in the UK, while you could not reciprocate on TUQ. Obviously this is stolen money and for your information I am not brainwashed...
  4. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Well in your previous post you claimed that I worshiped TUQ, which is shirk and that his followers do the same. By the way I am also in favor of exposing fake pir and would even say that the Gadi Nasheen should be abolished and handed over to the government, so no single individual can benefit...
  5. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    . Beautiful...cheers for showing this picture Ali...what a glorious sight.
  6. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Answer my questions before writing gibberish which has no factual sense or credibility. Give me proof that TUQ has used the funds of MQ to build his empire, otherwise retract your statement. I have given you proof which is widely accepted that Hamza Sharif owns at least £500 million in property...
  7. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    I never thought or even have the audacity to claim that you are a follower of Ahmedi....so please calm your paranoia. Praying behind somebody does not actually mean that you accept them as a leader, but it does show that the individuals involved did respect that person. Things change, when greed...
  8. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Slowly read my writing properly before commenting back, if this is difficult then please use a magnifying glass to enhance your receptor skills in understanding my words. I said in the case of religious differences, the Ulema has the authority to give verdicts on whether somebody has committed...
  9. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    What fantastic wisdom you seem to posses..truly astounding....by the way that is sarcasm. I would never support anyone who promotes tyranny over the general population, regardless some are better than others. If you don't like PTI or PPP then be neutral and support no party. Like I said to you...
  10. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Did you forget how Nawaz Sharif was the lapdog of General Zia ul Haq......please research before you sprout random one line statements.
  11. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Einstein prove to me right now that TUQ has a business empire from his social work, otherwise retract your statement because you are looking foolish as time goes on. In addition, I am going to ask you for the second time, why do you support Noon League if you know that they are corrupt? You...
  12. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Clearly you have a problem with him, because he follows the Sufi school of thought. Why are you attacking his religious beliefs and not on his political philosophy like his manifesto. The same two faced individual according to you, was also the imam of a mosque where both Ganja brothers use to...
  13. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    If you have the comprehension of recognizing that both the Ganja brothers are corrupt, then why are you defending them? More importantly why is your profile picture showing Showbaz Sharif? What type of logic are you trying to utilize here. I worship only Allah the Almighty...think before you...
  14. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Since the glorious foundation of Pakistan, not one commission of inquiry has been fully completed. What makes you believe, that this particular case would be different. If Ganja Sharif as the CM of Punjab has no clue on the action of his own police force, then under what assumption is he fit...
  15. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Before having the conviction and arrogance of boldly reprimanding the sacrifices of others, please learn to spell your words correctly, because you sound like a typical moron who is on the benefit payroll system. Now your brain cell is probably the size of an electron, however use your hands to...
  16. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Bingo...your analogy was fantastic could not have said it better my self:) Clearly Ganja Sharif is not the sharpest tool in the box, with his dopey attitude of reading his speeches from script. Therefore these loyal blind supporters take an advantage of looting the system and are not prepared...
  17. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    When a organization continues to repeat the same bullshit propaganda like a parrot machine...then it endeavors to hope that the public would fall for such an innocent act of indoctrination. People who have supported this act and have cheered for the deaths of civilians, means that they must...
  18. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Every political prisoner should be treated as a normal detainee, after all these leeches are being fed at the tax payers expense. I would go even further and make all of them do manual work on public sector projects, to make them sweat in the blistering heat on rations, so that they can...
  19. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    In Pakistan the word judicial commission has become overrated, because not one commission that was set up within the country has successful completed its aims and achieved a conclusive result, to bring perpetrators to justice. This is a smoke screen to alleviate pressure on Noon League, however...
  20. R

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    The most important aspect in this whole scenario is giving justice and bringing in police officials to become accountable for their actions, where there performance and choice of action overstepped certain boundaries. Who ever gave the order to fire on the civilians needs to be charged for at...
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