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  1. cloud_digger

    Dog Fight Abilities/Maneuverability of....

    Hi, the BVR missiles may be limited, but so is they enemy. The enemy will not swarm you with dozens of fighters. Those days are gone. Strike packages contain at the most a squadron of aircrafts. Suppose a package is detected early on, and 4 EF are sent to intercept, each with say atleast 4 BVR...
  2. cloud_digger

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Now you are going around in circles, saying the same thing over and over. And whats more, your statements are becoming more vague and ambiguous. "Some sort of secrecy." What sort of secrecy can be maintained about a deal? The details of the deal? Or the fact that a deal has been signed? If it is...
  3. cloud_digger

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Did I say anything about all the media knowing or reporting the deals? I said they are easily tracked. Some choose to report it, others dont. Just because BD media is not reporting it does not make it secret. And you yourself said it "Bangladesh and Belarus has made joint commission for joint...
  4. cloud_digger

    Bangladesh Air Force

    How many times will this same excuse be repeated in the BD section? Are you buying toffees? These are defence purchases, running into billions, at least the hundreds of millions. They are not under the table deals. You are buying them from a foreign company, you are buying them legitimately...
  5. cloud_digger

    Newsflash: Yet another mig-21 crash, pilot killed

    What are you trying to convey here that I have not already said? Did i say the MiG 21 has a better record? Did I say IAF is better? Do you keep harping on like a broken record or do you bother to read and understand what i wrote? I said the accident rates for all three mentioned Air Forces are...
  6. cloud_digger

    Newsflash: Yet another mig-21 crash, pilot killed

    That is the plan, a delayed plan, but a plan in action none the less. There are many reasons why the plan got delayed, but the reason for the high number of crashes is as you mentioned yourself, 872 migs were bought. When you operate a difficult aircraft the chances of crashes are high, multiply...
  7. cloud_digger

    Newsflash: Yet another mig-21 crash, pilot killed

    Man, so many butt hurt trolls. Can't even leave a RIP thread alone? So they do pay you per post, that you have to post in every thread to earn some.
  8. cloud_digger

    African national attacked in Bangalore, physically and with racial abuse

    Sometimes I dont understand the psyche of us Indians. I am pretty sure these 12 people will be among the first in queue to blame Britain for all the evils we face now (play the blame-the-brits card) claiming racial inequality and what not during the times of the Raj, and then they do the same...
  9. cloud_digger

    Pakistan tests first locally-built helicopter

    I think untill further news or development on this project, this thread needs to be closed so people dont dig up such old threads and start troll wars. All that needs to be discussed has been discussed.
  10. cloud_digger

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    Excellent posts guys, I am loving this thread. Thank you for the pictures.
  11. cloud_digger

    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    Whoa, when did this happen? I could not find any links or news articles on this.
  12. cloud_digger

    India Visa on arrival for China India opens border to Chinese tourists

    Seeing as every Tom, Dick and Harry is posting what ever nonsense that is coming to their minds, I just had to take my shot. After reading all the posts, this is what is in my head 49% posters in this thread: idiot trolls another 49%: fools responding to those trolls (even asking for links...
  13. cloud_digger

    Kerry’s soft line on Pakistan a sore subject

    Wow,simply wow. It took me almost a minute to read your rant. And some people say we are not obsessed with India. Nothing in that rant makes sense.
  14. cloud_digger

    Why Maoist Insurgency Will Flourish in India

    India is truly the republic of the Indian people. We elect the leaders we want (might not always be the right ones - but we ELECT them). And before you start saying People's republic is reserved just for communist states, know this, some of the first peoples republic were anti-communist states...
  15. cloud_digger

    A picture full of hope from India

    Shiv, why are you trying to justify your actions (or language) to this guy? You have more than proved your worth by volunteering at the school. Keep up the good work bro.
  16. cloud_digger

    Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

    Well I am no military professional of expert, you are, so I guess you and gambit are in the right here. It is just as you said, I am having difficulty getting my head wrapped around your line of thought. And I guess it is difficult to have the same level of discussion on the internet as compared...
  17. cloud_digger

    Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

    True, vetarans teach you better than professors. But how long has it been since WW2? How many are still around to teach us? In fact, I would say the RN has more uptodate strategies considering the last war to involve CBGs was the Flacklands. All I am saying is the last time a war involved a CBG...
  18. cloud_digger

    Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

    It seems like it is extremely narrow on one end, like some of the fanboy CGs we have seen some time back, depicting an island in the middle of the ship and two decks on either side of the run way. It does not seem to have the conventional rectangular profile from top view. Hence my question.
  19. cloud_digger

    Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

    Is that really the carrier? It has a weird shape for a carrier.
  20. cloud_digger

    Aircraft carrier Liaoning vs Vikramaditya

    The last part is what i am focusing on, they have been studied and studied by all. The USN battles with the IJN are studied by all naval colleges, not just in the US or Japan. The Forrestal fire set new standards, probably radically new standards at its time. They are followed (infact they are...
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