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  1. T

    For Israel, it's all about the population figures

    These should be one state where Jewish rights are "codified" (like Jews won't work on Sabath if they want to and other stuff) and Palestinian rights are also protected. Lets live together Israeli and Palestinians <3 But then again, racist Israelis might have problem with living with...
  2. T

    List of Indian Inventions

    No, you are not responding to my factual statements because you yourself know that I am right and you can not respond to this... Again india never become a trans-continental historical force...only West and Islam did. Hence they are 'universal' civilizational forces that shaped humanity at...
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    Israel's Tamar gas field sign $500 million gas supply deal with Jordan

    I thought Israel has alot of gas. I recently read how some Israeli and Christian media was yelling upside down "OMG! ISRAEL FOUND SO MUCH GAS!!! OMG!!! " blah blah...I even heard "Israel has become the energy superpower" ...I was like "man, these Israelis are lucky" And guess what? They have...
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    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

    Lets be honest here: The fundamental of Pakistani state needs to be treated if we want to clean off this cancer. So we are an Islamic State--then we MUST have a better, more efficient judicial system..no jagirdari nizaam...a healthy education system which teach Islam and scientific...
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    India-Qatar LNG deal at $10-12 poses challenge to Pakistan

    By family I meant kinship...or like cousins, second cousins etc...you won't give them concessions on businesses if it is a regular thing (like your second cousin buys from your shop every weekend..also LNG contract and shoping from shop is different)...In simple terms, Pakistan and india are...
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    List of Indian Inventions

    I'm not using Islam as "religion" here but as a civilizational force..as a culture..as a people..just like we use "west" not as geographical term but rather a civilizational idea...Hope you understand now. And yes, indians have alot of knowledge and have given alot to humanity. No one is...
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    List of Indian Inventions

    I don't know what you are talking about. But what I've said is historically factual and hence you can not respond to it. Sad for you. :lol: india never become a trans-continental historical force...only West and Islam did. Hence they are 'universal' civilizational forces that shaped humanity...
  8. T

    Israel's Tamar gas field sign $500 million gas supply deal with Jordan

    So what? People believe that rich Arabs and ruling elite of Arab World is Muslim or even gives a tiny shit about Islam? :lol: What a joke! As one great philosopher said "Religion is true for the masses, false for the intellectuals, and useful for the rulers" Islam is only a 'show-case' for...
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    POLL: Do you support the current government of Iran?

    I put yes. If Iranians support them, who am I to say otherwise? A retarded poll btw.
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    To fight corruption, Beijing should look to Pakistan

    Next: To revolutionize space exploration, NASA should look to Afghanistan. Moreover: To develop an effective fighting force, USAF should look to Sri Lankan Air Force.
  11. T

    List of Indian Inventions

    Every "golden age" is based on earlier works...Greeks got Egyptian wisdom, Arabs worked with hindu and persian wisdom..West worked with Arab and Persian wisdom and so on...whats your point, retard? LOL.. The fact remains that india is of a lower league..and doesn't make it to the big boys'...
  12. T

    List of Indian Inventions

    LMAO!!! What a retarded list copy-pasted from wikipedia compiled by bunch of indian fanboys :lol::lol::lol: sure india did get things in the past..but this is just ridiculous. Heck, even "Obesity" is regarding as "indian invention" in the above list...:rofl: india is of smaller...
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    List of Indian Inventions

    Retard: Show me a text..ancient text..where math is done without using numbers of that civilization? The 'concept' that you don't need 'numbers' to do math comes directly from Al Khawarizmi...Ancient people had algebric problems solved by using numbers/mathemtical symbols. Al Khawazrimi was the...
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    List of Indian Inventions

    Yeah all americans are stupid and American education sucks. Only india rocks.
  15. T

    List of Indian Inventions

    Yes I did watched it till the end. And clearly Arabic. I don't know about your knowledge of Latin, but try writing Devanagari numbers in Latin..and then try writing Arabic or Arabic-indic numbers in Latin. Whole truth will reveal on you :) 1,2,3,4,5,6---- is nothing more than writing of...
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    List of Indian Inventions

    yeah..thats why we used sansrkrit numbers in our modern mathematics and moreover use sanskrit system to solve linear equations. Everything is done by indians. All hail. You are no different than Muslims who claim "Muslims invented Science" or Chinese who claim "Everything was invented in China...
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    List of Indian Inventions

    idiot, I'm in United States :rofl: Go learn a thing or two Moreover, read the post #12 on this thread to get the more over-arching view of history..rather than just crying about this issue.
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    List of Indian Inventions

    OMG!!! :hitwall: I know all this! Al Khawarizmi in his manuscript that I studied (which indians here can't even get access to) himself refers to "Al hind" and the math/numbers he got from there. But it is wrong to give 100% credit to indians. Our modern numeric system is based on indo-ARABIC...
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    List of Indian Inventions

    Retardo, stop giving me fucking wikipedia with its shady, half-quoted "sources" where everyone use some lines of some books to support what 'they' want to believe. What an idiot crap you are that you are arguing with me on the basis of wikipedia copy-pasting? What a utter fucker. Don't waste my...
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