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  1. Brother Barry

    8 Pakistani Taliban militants arrested in Kandahar

    http://www.khaama.com/8-pakistani-taliban-militants-arrested-in-kandahar-1371 Good job by Afghan security forces. Now we must wait for Karzai to forgive them and set them free.
  2. Brother Barry

    No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

    I believe that had Pakistan not helped the various factions and allowed their soil to be used against Afghanistan, then there would be no refugee crisis today. The mujahedin would be quickly defeated. Instead, it dragged for more than 9 years. Today Pakistan suffers from Taliban extremism...
  3. Brother Barry

    No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

    If "rescue" is helping the mujahedin, then I don't see it as a rescue. That war was fought for American and Pakistani interests mainly. Religious extremism has never been good for a country.
  4. Brother Barry

    No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

    Sadly there are many Pakistanis who have to suffer from malnutrition, due to wrong policies of their government. Nothing to boast about, if I were you. Also, I think the problem with the original poster is that he thinks that hatred for the Pakistani military and ISI means hatred for the entire...
  5. Brother Barry

    No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

    You forget that Pakistan used to be British India, who fought wars against us and even supported Islamic fundamentalist rebels against the government, very similar to the current situation. Afghans in Pakistan are Pashtun, and you are lying if you say that there is no hatred for them.
  6. Brother Barry

    No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

    Besides the obvious terror threat Pakistanis pose, there are also other reasons for hostility. When the Taliban ruled Kabul, they brought with them many fanatic mullahs and students from Pakistani madrassas, who would patrol the streets and beat/arrest people if they did not comply with Sharia...
  7. Brother Barry

    No Afghan in Gulberg, at least, has to be rescued by a western colleague as

    My favorite parts: Here we see the result of the positive influence from India, for which Afghans are very thankful. If Pakistanis don't like to receive a full body search every time they drive around Kabul, they should ask their government to stop sponsoring terrorism.
  8. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    I don't think Iran breeds terrorists in their backyard that they then unleash on India or Afghanistan. Their society is also not as radicalized as yours. You should face the truth, the TTP & Co. are Pakistani, born and raised. Afghans have nothing to do with it.
  9. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    I thank you for being open and honest. Afghans are not related to semitic people.
  10. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    Sorry, what is wrora? I myself am a Tajik, both my parents can speak Pashto but sadly they never taught me. We only speak Dari at home. I consider Iran lovers a bit weird. I understand that we have a great history that we can be proud of. But Afghanistan is our land, we do not belong to the...
  11. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    It seems like only the ancient Iran loving, Persian nationalist minded Tajiks want to separate. They are also only active on the Internet, as they have no following in real life. :laugh:
  12. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    I doubt that very much. The leaders of the Northern Alliance could have split Afghanistan and joined Tajikistan or Uzbekistan, but that didn't happen, even at times where the country was extremely fragile. There was no replay of the East Pakistan episode.
  13. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    Pakistan must hold a referendum and let Pakhtuns decide for themselves if they want to join Afghanistan or not.
  14. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    In Islam it is customary to help your brothers who are being oppressed. Also, what is wrong with Sharia law? Majority of the youth want it.
  15. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    Why do you deny that the TTP consists of Pakistanis? They are the sons and brothers of those who were slaughtered by Pakistan's gunships and artillery, now they are taking revenge.
  16. Brother Barry

    Taliban attack kills 13 Afghan soldiers

    Afghanistan is not ruled by Shia Muslims, take your sectarianism elsewhere.
  17. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    In the past, Pakistan's Frontier Corps thugs have fought alongside the Taliban against the Northern Alliance. So suspicion towards their activities is not surprising.
  18. Brother Barry

    Tensions rise over Afghan, Pakistan border dispute

    He is under the delusion that Pashtuns will join Pakistan (an artificial country made for Muslims of the sub continent) without a fight.
  19. Brother Barry

    Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

    These air strikes are not happening in Pakistan proper (Punjab province), so nothing to worry about.
  20. Brother Barry

    Update on Activism to expel Afghan Refugees from Pakistan

    I am not a communist if that is what you think. I just think that Jihad and religious extremism have damaged Afghanistan irreparably.
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