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  1. C

    Can nukes really destroy the world?

    Good question. The other day I was reading a simulation of worldwide nuclear war and the conclusion was that it will NOT end all life on earth. I will try to retrieve it and post here...
  2. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    And in the last two days, I have been encountering people who are trying to give this Kashmir thing a pan-Islamic touch and among other things, posting propaganda videos and pictures of Kashmir side by side with those of other disputes, and are trying to lump Kashmir, Chechnya, Palestine, and...
  3. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Hmm, new joinee - rush of rapid posts on Kashmir, eh? So, let me be the first to respond to you. What Islamic unity are you talking about? The same unity that caused East Pakistan to separate? The same unity due to which almost every citizen of Afghanistan hates you to the core? I can go on...
  4. C


    OK, with regard to Israel-Palestine - I get my information from mainstream media sources. They may or may not be wrong, but Israelis like you must correct that perception if it is wrong. My only point is, this Kashmir issue is a dispute between India and Pakistan, which arose out of the...
  5. C


    I stopped watching that propaganda video the moment I saw in the first 2 minutes of the video, the subtext: "Kashmiri drivers hurt by petrol and acid bombs". Please use some logic here, do we equip our forces with acid bombs? On the same lines, in the 1990s, it is worthwhile to think of...
  6. C


    I reproduce this quote, courtesy or Karthic Sri: http://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmir-war/73271-why-isn-t-india-pariah-state.html#post1146861 This is the reason Indians get very very pissed off and abusive when Kashmir and Palestine are bracketed into one category.
  7. C


    Actually, even India wants to weaken Pakistan (but not weaken Muslims in general). Let's be honest here, obviously we want to, just like Pakistan wants to weaken India :-) And we are just taking tech from them for our benefit. Don't read too much into it.
  8. C


    Sure, and India is using the training and equipment in all sections, not just Kashmir. And nothing wrong with exchanging intelligence on terrorists, don't you think? All nations should do that, no? And by the by, Pakistan is getting closer and closer to Israel daily, isn't it? At the bottom...
  9. C


    And I explained how the Indian Muslims are relevant to this thread in a previous post. Did you miss that intentionally, or is the advice you gave me (eating carrots) something you need to follow yourself?
  10. C


    Whatever. You might be the world's greatest researcher on Muslim populations for all I know, but you were thoroughly wrong on this topic, when you posted that inane comment on 'fair partition'.
  11. C


    I can turn the question around and ask you guys, what is the link between Kashmir and Palestine? Why portray the two together? The 150 million Indian Muslims are absolutely relevant and on-topic in this thread. You guys keep harping on 'Islamic unity to end the oppression', don't you? Isn't...
  12. C


    Admit it, before you came to defence.pk, you were hardly aware or bothered about the Kashmir issue. Seriously, you are proving you utter lack of knowledge. Please go, read, UNDERSTAND the partition, and come back. I will give you a brief rejoinder here, follow up on it by reading. When India...
  13. C


    Please talk sense. Don't simply type things for the sake of typing. Been watching too many Zaid Hamid videos recently? Watch some Zakir Naik videos instead, he is one of those 150 million Indian Muslims I was talking about. I don't think a census has been conducted to see how many Indian...
  14. C


    If you guys are worried about Kashmir because you think of it as a pan-Islamic problem, please be informed that there are 150 million Muslims in India who want kashmir to be with India, and have no love for Pakistan. kindly remember that.
  15. C

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    That's not called 'proliferation'. Poliferation means selling the nuke tech to other countries. What we did was obtain the nuke tech under the guise of civilian tech.
  16. C

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    Actually, I wasn't even talking about China! :argh: I was contradicting the posters presumption that India proliferated Nuke tech!
  17. C


    And shall I give you the link where UN said that Pakistan must withdraw its forces from the part of Kashmir which they invaded and occupied in 1948?
  18. C

    What exactly do Taliban/TTP/Al-Qaeda want from Pakistan?

    I was just about to comment on that nutty conspiracy theory, which we've heard a million times, when your post beat me to it.
  19. C


    Sorry, you're wrong. You couldn't have done a thing about Kashmir even without the "USA breathing down your neck" as you put it. God knows, you've tried enough. Not just with Kashmir, but with Punjab and sundry other places too. The political leadership of Pakistan has realized that it is a...
  20. C


    This guy (thread starter) was not even bothered about Kashmir till 3 days back. He gave a big list of places where "Muslims are being oppressed" and Kashmir did not even find a mention. When T-Faz pointed out that the Islamic world is generally not bothered about Kashmir, and only about...
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