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  1. Aspahbod

    Why is US obsessed with Iran

    US sent Delta Force to release the prisoners. Unfortunately a sandstorm in Tabas destroyed all of the American choppers . I don't know how many did survive.
  2. Aspahbod

    Obama Signs New Iran Sanctions Into Law

    Iran IS alone.
  3. Aspahbod

    When did you first decide you hated Israel and why?

    Exactly this is what happened during Iran-Iraq war.
  4. Aspahbod

    Iran supplied radar system to Syria

    Where did Iran get such a radar from that Syria couldn't get from russia?
  5. Aspahbod

    Who is Ahmadinijad ?

    He cannot be good for Iran when he is forcing the world to put high sanctions on Iran ,funding the budget on nuclear program to develop a nuclear weapon and ballistic missiles and cutting budget of real economic projects which make the country to lessen it's need of oil export. Chinese 3rd level...
  6. Aspahbod

    Saudi Arabia to ask for 72 F-15 Eagle Fighters Jets

    So why do they need US marines yet? :lol: Arab armies during history have shown that they don't use proper strategy to fight a war. Look at Arab-Israeli war and Iran-Iraq war. They just sent massive waves. They don't need to buy newer weapons but to use military tactics and strategies to win.
  7. Aspahbod

    Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

    And the worst part of the story. A hurricane named Alex is heading towards the area. It could both delay all the operations and also spread the chemicals far more than what they are now.
  8. Aspahbod

    Who is Ahmadinijad ?

    :disagree: He was elected by the supreme leader, not the people. We went to turkey last summer. Most of Turks thought he is a hero who is resisting Israel. But none of them ever lived in Iran. He is ruining everything. Everything that has remained of my country. But at all, he's just a...
  9. Aspahbod

    Postcards from Hell

    What about Palestine?
  10. Aspahbod

    Canadian Report: Iran has world’s fastest scientific growth

    Remember that iran is ranked 1# in the brain drain in the world. About 150,000 talented "brains" leave the country each year.
  11. Aspahbod

    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    The real problem is you think you have chosen to spread freedom. I'm not sure you're free yourselves. I don't mean that you don't have a free elections or something like that. But your minds are not free. They are enslaved. As many other people all around the world. I'm not anti-american and I...
  12. Aspahbod

    Report: IAF planes spotted over Saudi Arabia

    I don't know why most of the topics here go through religious talks at the end. I've been watching these forums for a month and most of the topics end in such way. About the topic: Israel's only reliable weapons are it's nuclear ones. The main weapons that ensures its existence and they surly...
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