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  1. retaxis

    China plans five years to the Middle East and Africa exported 300 JF-17

    ' Russian made German/American Jets. Would we like to continue onwards? Money is money if your not a businessman then you can learn to be a low caste untouchable ey? Do i need to teach the Indians about evolution and adaption? I surely hope not..Rule 1 to life Adapt or die.
  2. retaxis

    Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

    China has more than enough land only Hindustan Media tells you otherwise. The carefactor between China and India is like China and Kazahstan which is shown by the fact that China has very few military bases even facing India. India is the one that needs to calm the f out
  3. retaxis

    Avalanches hit Kashmir Valley; at least 9 soldiers killed

    RIP soldiers die on the battlefield not freak occurences
  4. retaxis

    China plans five years to the Middle East and Africa exported 300 JF-17

    A dozen country shown interests and China has made tens of billions in fighter deals compared to Indians $0. Show me da MONEY :):)
  5. retaxis

    Why China is FAR Superior to india!!

    The Naxals civil war in the red corridor has claimed tens of thousands of lives in India. If that is not a civil war between traditionalist hindus and South East Asians who believe in other religions (non castes) then I have no Idea what is. Simple fact remains that from an Australian...
  6. retaxis

    China plans five years to the Middle East and Africa exported 300 JF-17

    The old world market...buy What its worth. If the world has bought thousands of planes from China in the past and knows that China is one of the top dogs in producing weapons then they will continue buying..simple as that. Lets not drag India into this discussion even for lols purposes
  7. retaxis

    China could lease Hainan to Pakistan, in return for Gilgit !!!!

    Hainan is a tourist destination!!! As long Pakistan treats it as so and respect Chinese populace why the hell not
  8. retaxis

    India In China’S New Assertiveness – Analysis

    According to Westerners China could be #1 failed state in the world. A crumbling Western economy begging for Chinese money? ha alright we will listen and let you beg on your knees but your industries belong to us understand? Have you not heard my dear Indian friend an old saying goes by...
  9. retaxis

    Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

    An American once quoted Indians as having pride a mile long with nothing to show for it. Do we complain everytime Somalians think they they are worth 2 men? We simply sit back, relax, and say whatever you say chief hehehehe
  10. retaxis

    India In China’S New Assertiveness – Analysis

    India is a powerful nation with a lot of issues such as caste, religion, separatism (manipur), maoists etc etc. I think If another war does start between the two nations (lets hope not) China will strategically claim all of Northern India as Maoist AKA communist brothers in hand. India has much...
  11. retaxis

    Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

    China doesnt want or need more land for its people. If Indians want a show down then the Chinese have said over and over again...Bring it. Lets see what you have learned since 62 because the Chinese are not some backwater hellhole with no economy which still flattened India in 62. I only hope...
  12. retaxis

    Iran will never seek nuclear weapons: Leader

    Iran would be stupid to get nuclear weapons because the richer Arabs would get far more nuclear warheads then they would dream of and then its going to be a nuclear car park for the Indians and Chinese to swarm.
  13. retaxis

    Why China is FAR Superior to india!!

    troll articles are same as troll posts. Indians have to get their civil war and their islamic and mainly caste issues together before they talk of superpower..China has been on the right path for the past 20years but we, although learn and understand to never play by the Wests game, we also need...
  14. retaxis

    U.S. may use Kyrgyz to attack Iran: Russia

    Ah the old what if US + Israel and west attacks Iran. Has it not been debated hundreds of time. The result without Russia and Chinese help would be an Iran left like Afghanistan (if the Americans are so polite as to do so)..Simply to the rest of the world it is just another Iraq no different and...
  15. retaxis

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    I worked many years with some of the nicest Indians in the Business and Sales Industries and they always talk to me like bros and we at times even make fun of their fellow Indians. I find that most Indians are from higher caste (immigrants) but most Indians are from very low caste and that is a...
  16. retaxis

    U.S. may use Kyrgyz to attack Iran: Russia

    Tsar bomb would completely irradicate that whole country from border to border and the funny thing is you only need one.
  17. retaxis

    China expels Japanese survey boats

    Would have been good for the Chinese to sink a few Japanese ship and turn a blind eye and when the Japs ask what happened? Chinese should be like: Who us? Oh never! Teach em a lesson for pretending they never killed Chinese in Nanjing. Only way WW2 would have ended better is if Russian and...
  18. retaxis

    Xi pledges to advance China-Turkey ties

    China doesn't go back on its word and that word has always been "your country your internal problems". Mutual respect dictates that other country understand that Chinese leaders won't go back on their word and talk crap every other week/month/year like most leaders of the world.
  19. retaxis

    Report On Indian MMRCA IN CHINESE..

    Only thing India will become largest in the world is the largest number of slums of illiterates in the world. Oops they already are :P
  20. retaxis

    India's military modernisation 'to contain China': PLA Daily

    ^Indians will never learn will you? Are you going to say how 3rd world democracy is superior to Chinese socialism? I feel sorry for you because Indians are the best at mental masturbation...Turning 62 war into "we uhm actually won that one", turning the fact that Indians failure over the past...
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