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  1. retaxis

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Why do you have to go full retard? These terrorists target civilians do you know what a civilian is? They kill innocent people. By your retarded logic an American Indian can target and kill white/black/asian people and it would be fine because its in goal of nationalistic independence? If...
  2. retaxis

    CENTCOM dog captured by Taliban

    I take it you will be the smarta22 to go and tell the family of dead special forces soldiers that they died trying to save a..dog? Soldiers are taught that if they are caught, they better take their own lives because no one is coming to save their a22.
  3. retaxis

    Is a Meeting Between Ma Ying-jeou And Xi Jinping Possible?

    In the end a chain of events is either going to push Taiwan into independence and lump themselves firmly into Japan and USA's arms or the opposite happen. There won't be 'oh hi China we love woo' and 'we love America freedom :)' happening at the same time aka Indian diplomacy with Russia/USA.
  4. retaxis

    China’s Huge 3D Printers, Soon Able to Print Automobile Sized Metal Objects

    Its a valid question on how it works. What sort of materials do you put in (special plastic/metal?), How does it turn pieces of metal or plastic into a shape?
  5. retaxis

    Indonesia grants parole to Australian drug trafficker

    You do realise Corby's brother is a drug trafficker, her sister is a drug user, father deals and grows drugs and Corby herself uses coke, weed and other drugs as well since she was a teenager right? Also to add that she knows a whole lot of drug traffickers as 'friends'. She deserves to serve...
  6. retaxis

    As cannabis is widely legalised, China cashes in on an unprecedented boom

    All drugs have medicinal benefits from heroin to morphine (opium) etc but that doesn't mean it should be used by people who don't have an illness. Marajuana is a gateway drug and is very easy to become use to it and feel nothing at all. If you smoke a $25 bag a day, within a week, you will...
  7. retaxis

    No slums in China ? Think again - Meet China's 'well people'.

    I am sure India manipulates their stats 10x more then China. China always underestimates itself where as India always over estimates themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if China's real gdp is 5-10x larger then India's
  8. retaxis

    Indian student in induced coma after 'cowardly' attack

    could happen to anyone in any country of the world. Something like this is reported in Australia because it doesn't happen that much. Scumbags are opportunistic and use to attack Chinese and Vietnamese in the 80s/90s however they fought back especially in large groups carrying machetes and bats.
  9. retaxis

    Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

    But its already happening, you just don't know it. India, like many countries in the Middle East had its borders drawn by the British. In time the borders will re shuffle just like the Middle East borders/major players are often changing. Just too many different people, from too many different...
  10. retaxis

    Sikh rights group backs US move to prosecute Indian diplomat

    that indian woman who was arrested. She looks like such a b1tch, I bet you she even beats her 'maids' back in India..
  11. retaxis

    Who's the Next World Superpower?

    Lets move forward 50years from now when China's economy would be at least twice to 3x that of the next Country. After unifying with Taiwan (very possible in 50yrs time) and splitting Mongolia with Russia, the SCO will work together to solidify control over eurasia. Chinese people in SEA...
  12. retaxis

    Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

    India is a melting pot waiting to explode. Low castes being treated as slaves, naxalites fighting for equality and socialism, Kashmir insurgency for independence , Manipur insurgency for independence, religious differences e.g. sikhs, muslims, hindus etc (race riots/killings). It just takes one...
  13. retaxis

    China's accumulated debts($18.4 trillion) touch 215% of GDP

    Some of the Indian trolls are so pathetic these days that they actually quote blogs and make up random numbers. Here is typical Indian logic: I Gave u 5 links showing China bubble going to burst!! (well Indian, each year 5000 articles are written about China's so called economy going under...
  14. retaxis

    China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

    Everyone knows USSR played a bigger role in the defeat of Japan then the USA. USA only nuked Japan to force a quick surrender so Japan doesn't turn red.
  15. retaxis

    Russia’s Growing Ties with Vietnam

    Be serious, what percentage do rich Chinese own in Vietnam. Its probably like in Malaysia where Chinese own 80% of the economy.
  16. retaxis

    China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

    More Chinese and Indian trolls in this thread. At least consider the historical context of what happened. Wars don't start instantly. For example China was being weakened by the West for 100+ years through opium and various warlord wars and wars with Japan before WW2 ever started. Similarly the...
  17. retaxis

    Chinese Woman Loses Mind After Seeing Her Baby Killed by Doctor

    You can say a lot of things but stereotyping people based on the low possibility of a story is always shows how stupid you are. Its not the 18th century when most people are illiterate and hear how some Indian/Black person killed their daughter for marrying some one outside of their clan and...
  18. retaxis

    Australia the world's happiest nation: OECD

    One man is a stereotype? I guess all Indian criminals are rapists then?
  19. retaxis

    China-Japan Island Dispute Could Become Flashpoint

    Thats your opinion as long things are going in accordance for both Russia and China - Economy, military, research, education, health it is not in either nations interest to change the status quo.
  20. retaxis

    Indonesian president vows to outgun Australia

    Australia has a weak ground force and everyone knows that. It is built to support countries like US to achieve collaborative goals rather then go at war by itself. Same as New Zealand.
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