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    Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

    Just would like to add a bit. Precautions and protests in a democratically and constitutionally allowed way, and people who spoke a bit too much and people who were going above the law by creating mishaps were arrested by the TN govt. And those protests were not for a seperate country...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I think they are not front line fighters, they might simply sit in a chair and call shots. There is no need for you prove that they are front line fighters or not, as the two terrorists qualification you provided is a bit of shock. London school of Economics and then terrorism ? A waste of a...
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    Huawei & ZTE cutting edge technology in TD-LTE

    Regarding the capability, a well respected company Cisco thinks otherwise. See the case lawsuit filed by Cisco here http://newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/filing.pdf. This lawsuit is particularly interesting. The case was settled out of court, but still why did anybody if can't be proven guilty...
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    Huawei & ZTE cutting edge technology in TD-LTE

    See, It is for India's security reasons period. Once it is a security concern, there is no point in looking at loose and gain. You or for that matter no other nation has a say in it, so they should mind their own bussiness. Let me know the source, because the bolded part is too heavy a...
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    Huawei & ZTE cutting edge technology in TD-LTE

    Please give your source for the text in bold part... Huawei as far as I know is the company which is leading in SEEKING patents. That I suppose does not make it leading innovaters. SEEKING/APPLYING for patents is different from getting patents awarded to them. Also please disclose what is...
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    Islam and science

    it was very hard for me to prevent myself from name calling you... See, religion is something which is personal, you have no rights to comment about other people's personal things... So shut up... don't try to have an argument about whether some religion is fabricated or not... else you will...
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    Dude You know what initially I was supporting you / was so polite to you... after seeing all your posts and other members comments... you know what I was literally laughing at you like anything... I don't know whether I should simply laugh at you or pity you ... If you are simply a teenager...
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    cewl buddy... :cheers:
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    Yeah I have seen your posts dude, but as far as I understand they seem to be out of genuine concern for India and sometimes may be out of misunderstanding.
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    Dude, I am telling you seriously, you have become too funny. Stop these one liners, atleast say some 2 sentences. Are you not able to make even 2 sentences ?
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    Dude, what are you saying ? You have repeated 100% more than 3 times, you are out of the game... :yahoo: What is "YOUR" problem with India ? Why do you want to compare Turkey with India and its military powers ? what do you achieve with that ? And why are you so up against India, I just...
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    Look at the second ship which you have posted. Don't you think the flag is an American flag ?
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    Hello xMustiiej70, what is the point of this thread at all ? I thought Turkey is a friendly country towards India if not atleast a neutral country. Will there be any war in future between India and Turkey ? No. Fine Let your country be great in everything... how does it matter. we do have more...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Skeptic, I share most of your thoughts.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Invader might be your point of view. See the difference which I am saying is that India thinks Kashmir as its own territory. In light of this militants fighting USSR and US and winning does not count, as both the countries would do check and balances as they don't consider Afghan or Viatnam as...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    hmmm... hearing the other side of the coin also for the first time, from a person who had been there... thanks... only thing is this dispute should end... how is the life of a normal Kashmir people ? I am not asking whether they support India / Pakistan / a seperate country... Normal people...
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    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    Oh, is that why we don't see Pakistan making dams to steal water from India's territory... ? very funny... :yahoo: I thought they are peace lovers ... Still let somebody from Pakistan confirm that they can't... as my knowledge in Geography is less. :chilli:
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    Settle Kashmir and Get the Reward!!!

    If you think its your land atleast fight for it, don't give it up like a piece of cake. That's right "if you think its your land". Just because it is good for your friend you cannot giveup other people's land to other country. Can't you be friends without this giving up land and all ? Look...
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