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  1. J

    PAF 'Saffron Bandit' Question

    What type of SAM are in the clip at 2:11 and 4:28 ?
  2. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Enough is enough from Indian participant on this forum, freedom to express here on defence.pk does not mean that you people make joke of us.Can some Pakistani member do like this on bharat rakshak, certainly not. What type of threads, these people opened there about Pakistan every one know about...
  3. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Mr Shri Ram what you want to prove, all people are talking about Kashmir, why you are showing youtube video about BLA, it is our internal problem flamed by Indians and it is not disputed area,it is not in UN, so please shut your nonsense post. what if i here put other freedom movements inside...
  4. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    What ever you say crap or something else, Kashmir is disputed territory , and will remain as long as it is not resolved either by force or by talks.No country either Pakistan or India is going to loose it. For us it is not a piece of land but it is our jugular vain , it is the matter of...
  5. J

    Worldwide SAM Site Overview

    Double click on the file, it will be automatically load into Google Earth. In google earth on left side in "Places" in temporary places you can expand the all all SAM sites.
  6. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    You and your Government correct your self, Kashmir is disputed territory. People are struggling against Gov of India. People who are fighting against Indian army in Kashmir are not terrorist, they are freedom fighters. India always wept about terrorism, to suppress the innocent people of...
  7. J

    F-22 Frigate arrives in Karachi

    F-22 frigate is fitted with C-802 SSM or YJ-83? , Because formal is with the 120 km range and later has 180km.On sinodefence.com it is written, that F-22 is fitted with YJ-83. Please someone clear this
  8. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    So Freedom fighters are still struggling in occupied Kashmir.
  9. J

    Worldwide SAM Site Overview

    Here is link, I hope it will work http://imintandanalysis.googlepages.com/SAMSiteOverview.kmz
  10. J

    U.S. eyes military equipment in Iraq for Pakistan

    I think, we should make them clear that if they serious in war on terror then give us anything that we need to fight with terrorist. They should bother about Taliban not about Indians. We are fighting war on terror and giving sacrifices. Why they are always serious about Indian even when we are...
  11. J

    The Sleepless Square 09 06 2009 beijing

    Great... Almost all armored vehicles have digital camouflage pattern .
  12. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Mr. you cannot deny history. If Israel has occupied most of the Palestine land, Can we say that they forget about their land and stop wasting there time. India occupied the Kashmir by force, look at Pakistani side Kashmir how many troops are inside the cities to oppress the people of Azad...
  13. J

    Blast at Jamia Naeemia; Dr Sarfraz martyred

    very sad news i will say idiot bastard taliban,dnt know humanity
  14. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    This is real true move.Crush these bastards.
  15. J

    Taliban slaughtering people like animals(WARNING: VERY VIOLENT MATERIAL)18+

    Alas!Alas! They are animals,but may be it is insult for the animal,because animals are loving,not brutal. kill these Swati terrorists,Government must take strong steps to stop these barbaric acts by these idiot so called Mullahs. Government must ruin the every structure and...
  16. J

    pakistan not victim of terror, it is victim of its own policies

    Well if our Gov support freedom struggle in Kashmir and freedom groups like LeT and HOM will never do such acts in Pakistan and they never did before. But so called Taliban in Pakistan are supported by Indians in tribal areas can do such horrible act.Specially Baitullah masood group. but it...
  17. J

    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    Very sad news,we must capture these bastards, it is quite suspected that it is Indian Supported. to created testability in Pakistan. Srilankan team visited Pakistan for one day before but nothing happened. Why now.... for what purpose
  18. J

    Sharif brothers declared ineligible

    Lets the people to decide ones fate in election not by court. Court can not disqualify a person who is elected, who is cheif minister,who has support of elected members. It is very sad after hearing PCO judiciary decision about Sherif's brothers. Here are my arguments for judiciary that this...
  19. J

    Pakistan paid 6 million dollars to Taliban for ceasefire

    OK let assume it is true... Then deal has more worth then money,Bringing peace is more important,our people are more important.We will do every thing for our land.We have paid enough,so now do not ask do more enough is enough. Peace is important for us now. So lets decide about it now or...
  20. J

    Sharif brothers declared ineligible

    what a decision for more instability. I salute you zardari group for bringing you unstability in country and backing off from your promises. at last promises are not words off Quran and Hadis. PCO Judges did their work....... its my prediction now zardi Gov will in deep trouble.... may...
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