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  1. Da-Bang

    Team confined to stadium as Indian hotels turn cold

    They are guests from a terror infested country. Better to be safe than sorry. :coffee:
  2. Da-Bang

    Team confined to stadium as Indian hotels turn cold

    Quit the whining guys, India is not the only country being unfair to Pakistanis, you guys know the reason for it. Fix yourselves and then start demanding respect. This full-time whining is getting boring now.
  3. Da-Bang

    Hong Kong Muslims protest anti-Islam film, cartoons

    Communism is based upon atheism. As such politically Communist states like China are incompatible with religion. I personally support abolishing religion since it creates more trouble than good. People should do better things than wasting time in praying and worshiping imaginary symbols. But...
  4. Da-Bang

    The Kashmir Issue a fresh take

    ^^^Awesome bro, should help some ignorant people get out of their blind beliefs. One thing I came to know, Pakistanis are made to believe that kashmir is their by natural right, and somehow all Kashmiris want to join the great Welfare Islamic nation of Pakistan. Unfortunately many will take...
  5. Da-Bang

    The growing agitation of Pakistanis against USA

    Pakistanis hate everybody, they should first give up extremism and make a moderate society before anything else. Right now seems like if any body shout Jihad or Islam in danger all of Pakistan goes into a mad frenzy.
  6. Da-Bang

    Indian terrorism should get same treatment by US: Saeed

    Shinde is wrong, there is no such thing as terrorist camps in India. Maybe he was smoking weed the night before. Who cares what a terrorist from Pakistan advises the US to do.
  7. Da-Bang

    Kayani's game plan

    Its because you donta have the balls to openly declare what you are saying here. You must be licking Indian customers balls to sell your stuffs, but you will act like snake and not telll them the truth to save your business. You are just a money making leech with no morals, typical of you...
  8. Da-Bang

    Kayani's game plan

    Indian Army comes from Indian people u retarded son of a *****, not like some bhade ka tattoos out there. You get Visa to come here, make money out of India, eat sleep and enjoy our hospitality and then have the balls to threaten us with your terrorism. Then you have the besharmi to whine about...
  9. Da-Bang

    Kayani's game plan

    Stupid Indian visa officers, they should screen terrorists like you better than giving you business visas to India. :angry: BTW no wonder US, UK etc give Pakistanis extra special treatment at airports since apparently even businessmen like you have terrorist ambitions.
  10. Da-Bang

    Pakistan has the 12th Most Powerful Military in the World

    I also heard they kidnapped and chopped off 30 Pakistan Army without a single casualty from their side, I mean if thats not bad-*** I dunno what is...
  11. Da-Bang

    Black Day in Kashmir

    In Pakistan, About 100 Dead Remain Unburied Out Of Protest - Forbes US drone strike kills four in Miranshah Meanwhile PAF is second in command to Obama drones and follows up with attacks- PAF conducted 5,500 bombing runs in Fata since 2008 – The Express Tribune No Hindu had ever...
  12. Da-Bang

    Muslim cop goes to Supreme Court to save beard

    This is all a grand conspiracy theory cooked by walmart and kentucky fried chicken ba$tards since India refused to allow them to open big retail stores in india. I am sure KFC gave you a big bucket of hallal chicken breasts with two extra naan and chatni so you can spread propaganda against...
  13. Da-Bang

    Black Day in Kashmir

    Shias in Kashmir no longer want to join Pakistan since they are afraid of being made shuhada against their choice. Sunnis are afraid that Drones will fry freely in the beautiful skies of kashmir. Hindus are afraid all their daughters will be kidnapped by mad mullah's. Buddhists are scared...
  14. Da-Bang

    Muslim cop goes to Supreme Court to save beard

    Well poor thousands and thousands. Apparently the followers of best way of life for humanity are running around blowing up innocent people to hell. Either it is not the best way or it is a very selfish way of life.
  15. Da-Bang

    Black Day in Kashmir

    Well who da fucks flag is it then...:angry:
  16. Da-Bang

    Black Day in Kashmir

    What are these mad ppl doing, why raise somalias flag in kashmir :angry:
  17. Da-Bang

    Another Ban : Zero Dark Thirty will not be shown in Pakistan cinemas

    What do you mean, who portrayed mohammad as product of zoofilia, :angry: This is too much
  18. Da-Bang

    Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

    Talk about my mother like what, like you talk about your mother.....
  19. Da-Bang

    Black Day in Kashmir

    Meanwhile in Indian side of Kashmir...
  20. Da-Bang

    Shahrukh Khan exposes Indian secularism

    Which slum of the $hithole were you raped in? Did they use protection atleast?
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