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  1. M

    CIA trained ISI and RAW officers "at the same time"

    South Asian countries have always been played by the western powers for over 300 years now. Divide and conquer works against South Asians and Arabs.
  2. M

    US to punish Pakistan for Iran gas pipeline deal: Report

    All of the South Asian countries are puppets of the United States. None of you have an independent foreign policy.
  3. M

    US Protection Racket Root of Korea Conflict

    Wow incredible. America truly is a pariah regime.
  4. M

    Who shot Osama Bin Laden? Media feud among Navy SEALs

    Bin Laden died in 1998
  5. M

    Murdoch Blasts 'Racist' Australia On Skilled Visas

    A fascist lecturing to a racist country.
  6. M

    US Protection Racket Root of Korea Conflict

    America is acting worse than Nazi Germany. Nazis were evil, but the Americans are PURE evil.
  7. M

    Why Western Democracy is Mind Control and Invisible Government

    It's fascism, genocide and colonialism. Democracy is just the excuse used to destroy countries and their people.
  8. M

    North Korean Stand Off With the US & S.Korea: News and Updates

    Kim is crazy but the fascist American regime is provoking North Korea with military exercises and sanctions that hurt its people. China was duped in Libya by the west and we have been duped again into going along with sanctions against NK. Sanctions only make NK more aggressive. Chinese leaders...
  9. M

    India should have sought Sri Lanka's suspension from Commonwealth: BJP

    India should leave Sri Lanka alone. We are now the number 1 ally of Sri Lanka. When India mess with our Sri Lankan brothers, they mess with us too. What happens to our allies in South Asia is now our business too. We are in South Asia to counterbalance Indian thuggery and Indian regime...
  10. M

    India should have sought Sri Lanka's suspension from Commonwealth: BJP

    So these guys are supporting a terrorist organisation?
  11. M

    Wealth Inequality in America

    America is just a corrupt and dying country. It's economy has collapsed and not recovered in 5 years. All the do called 'growth' are just inflation, not real growth. American debt is $200 TRILLION. Interest rates still at 0.25% which shows they have not recovered.
  12. M

    Why Western Democracy is Mind Control and Invisible Government

    It's genocide, nothing to do with democracy.
  13. M

    9/11: Illegitimacy of US government

    9/11 was definitely an inside job. No question about it. False flag operations are done by fascist states like Nazi Germany and United States. No way can a plane hit the Pentagon, it was a missile or bomb. Neo-Conservatives are exactly like the Nazis, both extreme right wing fascists and they...
  14. M

    India Responds To The Gwadar Port Transfer

    You lay even a finger on one of our soldiers boy, and you can say goodbye to the Indian civilisation forever. Xi Jinping is a hardliner from the princeling faction in the CPC. Those guys are not to be messed around with, you will see the difference as the months and years progress. Hu Jintao...
  15. M

    A PLAAF Su-27UBK crashed during training, landed on beach and two pilots ki

    America censor 80% of American military aircraft crashes and report 20%.
  16. M

    US B-2 bombers sent to Korea on rare mission

    F-117 was shot down, B-2 is no different.
  17. M

    India Responds To The Gwadar Port Transfer

    What the heck is chandrayaan? How the hell do you know how many remote sensing satellites China has and it's quality? Stop being delusional dude.
  18. M

    A PLAAF Su-27UBK crashed during training, landed on beach and two pilots ki

    Atleast we report our crashes. America censors it.
  19. M

    India's crazy deficit, when it will explode?

    Indian economy is in big trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if it collapsed.
  20. M

    India Responds To The Gwadar Port Transfer

    India stands zero chance of taking on the PLA. Indian military is outclassed in every possible way. For India to even consider to fight the PLA is delusional. Despite India's advances, the Indian military is still a mediocre military which has been exaggerating its capabilities.
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