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  1. Conqueror

    Sri Lanka Pakistan Military Relations

    This friendship is not between Military Personals alone, this friendship is between the hearts of two Nations. Both Pakistan and Sri Lanka have been under covert operations of common enemy and its great to see both sides getting together to fill the gapes of each other. I am happy to see China...
  2. Conqueror

    Aman ke Asha – A Cornerstone of the new Indian Cold Start Strategy?

    :rofl: Is Kapppora our General and is that Pakistan who is talking of fighting two wars with China and India simultaneously? Think some! By the way, we are not under the pin when we think of fighting two wars. We already know Pakistan will fight the Holy war with India, interesting part is that...
  3. Conqueror

    The Prinz House Project.

    Hmm beautiful, but they look quite cosmetic. These houses are not the kind that you could call a Home.
  4. Conqueror

    Happy birthday to me

    Yoo Yoo Yoo.. its my Mom's birthday too. Happy Birthday to everybody who has 3rd Jan as their date of birth. Capris are the best human breed on earth!
  5. Conqueror

    India openly declared that Chinese J14 is the copy of HAL MCA !

    For some reason this statement is hard to swallow. China refused to join FGFA/PAKFA fighter program of Russia and they are saying they will focus on 5th Generation after 4th generation program is over. China is the most resourceful country After USA and they have trillions of reserves to use...
  6. Conqueror

    SAMs Of Indian army

    I think the above listing is wishful instead of realistic. 1,000 BrahMos? What India is producing 2 missiles per day?
  7. Conqueror

    Nuclear War in South Asia must be avoided at all costs

    Oh, there is an interesting aspect mentioned n this article. Although there should be no war but in case there is one, India is sure to hurt itself even when it is attacking Pakistan. When we will attack India, that will be affecting regions that are not under direct attack. That implies our...
  8. Conqueror

    India openly declared that Chinese J14 is the copy of HAL MCA !

    Even visually, there aren't notable similarities. By the way, India is not the country to copy from. I don't want to list achievements of India but whatever India has achieved is not even half of what China is currently capable of. You only look up to inspire yourself and copy if you ever and...
  9. Conqueror

    Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

    Cartoon should have been killed the moment he attempted to make these cartoons. Everything is not tolerate-able in Islam, even God does not forgive just everything. Got to take fatwa from Imam-e-Kabah and if permitted, ------ !
  10. Conqueror

    Nod to US gun purchase minus bids

    Its a strategic move between India and USA because target countries are China aaand Pakistan. India is adding more fingers to the hand with which it is holding Kashmir and Arunachil Perdaish. Let India embrace the "friend" that has always proven as back stabber for us. :cheers: India, you...
  11. Conqueror

    1992 Mumbai killings planned and supported by indian police

    Expectations is not going to save this world. We must act against those who are sabotaging the peace and spreading hatred among us. I have come to know that Case of Babri Mosque is under review from the last 17 years and look at this incident, we are entering in the 3rd decade and I haven't seen...
  12. Conqueror

    Is Patriot PAC-3, Good for Pakistan?

    Sure Skywalker, but we owe China even more for their consistent support and cooperation when no-other country was there to help us. We are able to develop our defense industry to the levels where we are safe and China stood with us shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand at every step. New Patriot...
  13. Conqueror

    Sri Lanka: India’s latest security nightmare

    Friendship with Sri Lanka is decades old, ever since India started to interfere with its security by backing terrorist organizations. Pakistan provided all the logistics, armer and support they needed to handle them. Pakistan helped them in more than one ways to re-gain their control over their...
  14. Conqueror

    Pakistan's new tank near China 99G

    Certainly the specks that article is mentioning are that of Al Khalid and Al is being termed as Ali and Khalid as Vivian. Look at Number of Crews, the Top Speed and Ukrainian Engine. When Ali Vivian-1 does not exist, the article is talking about Ali Vivian-II. The Article surely about Al-Khalid...
  15. Conqueror

    Indian Army looking for Cornershot weapon systems

    If India is fearing its money being used against it then there exists an equal threat of India using POF Eye against Pakistan at the time of war. It would be a great step forward if both the countries could identify difference between fighting terrorists and criminals vs fighting an army...
  16. Conqueror

    Indian Army looking for Cornershot weapon systems

    :sniper: Taking the lead from common sense, I am concluding that Pakistan will be happy to sell POF Eye to India. By doing so, Pakistan will earn valuable Foreign Exchange that we desperately need to support 10s of our defense related projects. POF is not a strategic assert but its a gun to...
  17. Conqueror

    Indian Army looking for Cornershot weapon systems

    By the way, why don't India buy that from us. We are enemies when we are standing against each other but whole world is united against Terrorism and that means, Pakistan and India are on the same side to fight and eliminate Terrorism. May be because of ego India would opt some other western...
  18. Conqueror

    Indian Army looking for Cornershot weapon systems

    Its called POF Eye. :pakistan: I've heard we built it taking the challenge after Israelis claimed that no other country could do it. POF Eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  19. Conqueror


    Image of WS-13 suggests it has some angled nozzle on its end. Is that Thrust Vectoring or something like that?
  20. Conqueror

    India is getting ready to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously: Indian Army chief

    Army General does not need to make public announcements to make a strategy and policy. Every Army General, no matter where he lives works to defend his country and India is not exception. Why would such articles make to the public at the time temperature between Pakistan-India and China-India is...
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