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  1. P

    India's War On Islaam

    we will with the "little" money that we have and not with a begging bowl like our western neighbour.BTW,do u know how many starving people live in ur country...people in glass houses should not throw stones at others
  2. P

    India's War On Islaam

    if india is a piss porr 3rd world country,then what is ur country my dear...."SUPERPOWER",u pleople are infested with billionares????? the fact is that,ur is a begger nation,India is slowly progressing,& the day will not be far we u would beg from us ,like now ur doing from china & usa i dont...
  3. P

    India's War On Islaam

    and all those big mouths here..what did pakistan do in 1971..killing 3 million Bangladeshis and raping 2 million bengali women...they were ur own countrymen,majority of them were muslims...why did u do this to them????? the indian muslims know very well Pakistan is not islam's messiah nation,&...
  4. P

    India's War On Islaam

    hahaha we INDIANS suffer from inferiority complex from u pakistanis... :rofl: we ,in fact don't care what u do or say,we are at least 3 decades ahead of u in everything... have u ever been to india or meet indian muslims in large numbers anywhere???? majority of them are anti...
  5. P

    India's Long-Range Cruise Missile Test In August, Says DRDO

    thanks buddy,long ago i saw a video on youtube about nirbhay stating the above statics(which is not available now),jani na stea ki made by a fanboy or a person of knowledge..but nirbhay' range can be greater than 1000km as usually the indian missiles rages r usually under reported
  6. P

    India's Long-Range Cruise Missile Test In August, Says DRDO

    well the range of nirbhay is 1000km carrying a payload of 1tons and 2000 km with a lighter one..u know that the india's missile range is grossly under reported,so u can expect this missile to have a range of greater than 2000km
  7. P


    read it,here is your answer http://drdo wikipedia these are far better quality weapons than ur copied chinese junk :bunny:
  8. P

    "The Hindu God of Fire" - Fox news reports on Agni-V

    http://massacres in china wikipedia operation blue star was against armed millitants...unlike yours as our scientists are better and more talented than yours...we can develop our own missiles unlike yours who have to depend on china for nuclear bomb and north korea for missiles :P
  9. P

    IAF Announces Requirement For 9 COMJAM/SIGINT Aircraft

    i don't think there is any reason why DRDO cannot make these systems atop embraer T-145 jets.They already have developed key EW suites for the indegenous AEWCS project,and here they can tie up with TATA SED amd Elbit systems and make their own..those systems would be extremely cheap compared to...
  10. P

    Tessy Thomas : DRDO has its sights on MIRV

    u r throughly misinformed..the electronic components that we import is related to ABCM (anti ballistic counter measures) and not the guidance system which we developed indegeniously in RCI IMARAT (a DRDO lab)
  11. P

    India's Long-Range Cruise Missile Test In August, Says DRDO

    agni 5,then nirbhay,it can't get any better...
  12. P

    MoD plans to invest Rs 15k cr in ordnance firm

    but i thought the army requires 155mm 52 calibre guns,if OFB produces the 39 calibre ones,then r we going to buy the 52calibre ones??? DRDO is developing a gun,is this the same gun that we r talking about now or it is different one...
  13. P

    MoD plans to invest Rs 15k cr in ordnance firm

    indeed a very good news..MoD needs to pump more money into the ordinance factories and DRDO and then one day we will become self reliant like china....instead of buying,we must focus on producing our weapons,& instead of getting ToT,our main aim should be DoT(development of technology).
  14. P

    Indian Robots Prowl The Coast

    why this kind of reconnaissance role cannot be performed by the indegeneous Rustom 1 MALE UAV??? if Rustom can perform this role,then why we need to buy the israeli UAVs at exorbitantly high price???
  15. P

    Shuvo Noborsho

    subho nobo borsho to everyone....
  16. P

    Indian Army's SW Command to move closer to Jaipur

    good news,but we need more soldiers and firepower here in the eastern sector for china...guess when the army will ger new artillaries :undecided:
  17. P

    Why Muslim headcount in Indian Army necessary?

    and they would never want to be one....but do u know 1 fact that 60% bengalis in WB,Tripura & Assam had their ancestal heritage in bangladesh & they have migrated to india in 1947 or 1971???
  18. P

    VSHORAD – India’s Next Big Air Defense Program

    why we have 2 first evaluate the SHORADs, then wait 4 the results,then comes an allegation,followed by blacklisting,then gives DRDO the signal,then blame it for delays??? why dont we directly give them the order and a time line to complete the project??? i hope DRDO would have given us a cheaper...
  19. P

    VSHORAD – India’s Next Big Air Defense Program

    we r not here to impress any1.why cant DRDL make a good MANPAD???? it has already got the igla tech,has a substantial success with akash sam,so i think there would be no problem for them to pull this one out
  20. P

    Indian Navy inducts nuclear submarine INS Chakra

    hey i think u r from france,i made a frence friend on my trip to rajasthan 1 & a half years ago... there r many french people who visits rajasthan every... if u do visit india,u should not miss rajasthan!!!!
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