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  1. ABCharlie

    Pakistan, Turkey agree to expedite FTA process

    Always with our brother Turkey :tup: Pakistan, Iran and Turkey should take the ECO relationship to a much higher stage and work towards free trade agreements, common defense, and one single currency. That's our future. Turkey will never get into EU. It may decide to quit NATO in future as...
  2. ABCharlie

    US wants long-term business partnership with Pakistan

    Not really thrilled about this. I don't trust USA. More business partnership means more presence in our country (CIA in the garb of businessmen), more buying of our valued assets at dirt cheap prices and more control over our economy. No thanks. :tdown:
  3. ABCharlie

    U.S.-China joint statement mentions India - Pakistan ties

    I always find this funny. See, there is no such thing as an 'all weather friend' in USA's dictionary other than when it is dealing with Israel. Take it from us. We know. :azn:
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