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  1. StandForInsaf

    The Tsunami has hit - Javed Hashmi joins PTI

    Geo Hashmi good decision. :tup:
  2. StandForInsaf

    US expert claims Khan network supplied nuke technology to India

    :blink: what to say about this i don't know , only fair investigation by isi/gvt could tell any thing , it might or might not be a consistory theory , no one is HOLY innocent.
  3. StandForInsaf

    PAK stops billing US for ‘war on terror’ costs

    oh comn cut the bullshit aid and run country at your own. we don't need AIDS.
  4. StandForInsaf

    Failure of Democracy in Pakistan: Causes and Solution

    If people are not involved in decision making aka democracy , then no such a country could work nor any system will work they will always fail like middle east states are failing , your comments seems to be illiterate person's comment. Democracy , freedom , FTW nothing else
  5. StandForInsaf

    The Tsunami has hit - Javed Hashmi joins PTI

    Javed Hashmi is respected politician whatever party he join will get more more attention , however PML (N) is ancestral party IMHO he should leave it , he cant serve the nation in that party.
  6. StandForInsaf

    Solve the Pakistan problem by redrawing the map

    why not make American states separate countries ?
  7. StandForInsaf

    Solve the Pakistan problem by redrawing the map

    Bullshit Article by some retard/bewara full of lies. :tdown:
  8. StandForInsaf

    Govt to demolish unregistered madrassas

    Even if you say its threat then all kind of militancy should be disposed at first priority.
  9. StandForInsaf

    'Send Veena Malik to hell': Bal

    Thackeray and his craps :tdown: , delusional/extremist old man.
  10. StandForInsaf

    Another Defence Blog hacked

    what was this a php inclusion attack?
  11. StandForInsaf

    Govt to demolish unregistered madrassas

    Demolishing is not good idea they should take control of these madrassas sack mullahz, and convert them to modern education schools, it will also be good for students.
  12. StandForInsaf

    People steal chairs after PTI rally

    Shameful actions by some sick minded people , Actually danda is not solution , it will only suppress sick minded people for some time , education about social/moral/ethical duties might be a possible and only solution.
  13. StandForInsaf

    Why this Happans to Pakistan?

    To use expensive services and goods you need money to be spent in justified ways , plus am not in favor of cricket yet i see it some times, football is better, cricket wastes full day of all viewers(one day matches ,..test matches are even worst) 20 20 is only good format in cricket , plus army...
  14. StandForInsaf

    US Think Tank Paid $100,000 to Haqqani to Write Book Against Army

    Dual nationality people shouldn't be given any GVT jobs(which are sensitive in nature) and official or electoral positions (unless they surrender foreign nationality as Sonia did in India), Altaf is another example of dual nationality.
  15. StandForInsaf

    Is Karachi ready for change? PTI calls for Peace Jalsa!

    What a racist comment :sick: Are you mad or what? we gave you land to live food , resource, citizenship of our country , when you came helpless and hopeless still you say this ?
  16. StandForInsaf

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    IMHO , no one should be using any other country's paper currency as reserve or exchange standard, use gold as reserve and standard, and do trade in own currencies. :enjoy:
  17. StandForInsaf

    Najam Sethi, this guy talks sense.

    I would prefer listening Hassan Nisar and Talat Hussain are better, and make sense.
  18. StandForInsaf

    Evolution question.

    Nope or very low chances or very long 5 or 10x or even more long long time required because these animals choose/selected path of strength instead on intelligence,increasing probability of these creatures evolution was to keep increasing strength and ability to survive.
  19. StandForInsaf

    Who Killed Zia ul-Haq?

    Stupid as hell , if ZIA wouldn't have died we would be an other Iraq or Libya , thank full my ****** . He fought an American war he was ***** of amreeka.
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