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    PLA not combat ready now, or any time soon

    I had to say this but Genisis has an point. The PLA is not fully modernized and has no compact experience since the 80s..
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    India ridiculed at BRICS

    Then form an India for Indians. Stop bowing down to the Blonde haired, blue eyed Europeans/N.Americans like your ancestors did for the passed 200 years. Join hands with the middle-kingdom (China)...
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    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    You want the destruction of traditional Han culture!
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    Ancient Pyramids in China

    Once again you show your great wisdom to these Altaic Garbage ChineseTiger. It's funny how Tukics/Mongols, Japanese and Koreans can't develop there own civilization without depending on Han sources (or Iranian sources for Turks and mongols).
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    Threa of Christianity in China.

    Taoism, Confucius, and Buddhism is the three main religions of China! Say no to western deties from the middle-east.
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    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    To combat the pirate organization of JMSDF, who stole Daiyou Islands.
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    Urumqi 2012 cat walk

    Valid statement. The Jap does not know what he his talking about. There was Indo-Iranian people in the Western regions of China but there was also other Indo-European groups such as Tocharians.
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    Turkey will closely follow Greek plans to revive oil bid in Aegean, says FM

    Greece has the right to claim the Aegean sea, just like China has the right to claim the SCS. The Turks stole Anatolia anyways from the Byzantines. Did'nt Turkey steal enough land from Hellas? Just like the way Japs has stolen Taiwan in the 1890s and layed claim to the great lands and rocks of...
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    Sino-Iran relationship (over 2,000 years of friendship)

    Long live Sino-Iran Relations!
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    Sino-Iran relationship (over 2,000 years of friendship)

    The transmission of knowledge and materials between the two cultures during ancient times can still be seen in the Persian roots in Chinese loan words. These words typically come from the dialects of the Elamites:[1][2][3] Chinese terms and their Persian roots Term Chinese Pinyin Persian root...
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    Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

    @SinoSolider Let them underestimate China's Aviation sucesses.
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    Rise of China and India could spark UK 'unrest'

    No India does not have an stronger military than Japan. The JMSDF is argubly the most advance navy in Asia. They have more Aegis Destroyers than India and 20 AIP submarines that will make the US navy put it down in shame. And in total GDP, India ranks 11th in the world economy.
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    Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

    @Albanian What do Albanians think of China? Also why do your language sound similar to Iranian languages.
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    Golden dawn vows to put a Greek flag on disputed Kardak islets

    Greece has Long range SAM sites like S-300UP and Mirage-2000 armed with scalp CM. How can Turkey tackle that in the future.
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    Golden dawn vows to put a Greek flag on disputed Kardak islets

    Meh... Turkey has an Superior navy. 23 Perry Oliver Frigates and 10 German made MEKO frigates. Future projects like Milgem (TN's LCS), T-2000 class AD/AAD ship and naval SOM cruise missles would make rivals in the eastern Med think twice about threatening Turkey's maritime EEZ.
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    Golden dawn vows to put a Greek flag on disputed Kardak islets

    Greece's far-right Golden Dawn party has threatened to plant a Greek flag on islets that brought the country to the brink of armed conflict with Turkey 14 years ago. Ilias Panayotaros, a prominent Golden Dawn deputy, urged Greek politicians to immediately act regarding the Kardak islets (Imia...
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    Second Chinese carrier construction announced; J-15 made carrier landing

    @Fsjal It also has the ability to launch CM and SRBM like USS Virginia
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    China has learned a lot from USAF.

    Don't forget about the Y-16 (Equavilant to C-130J), Y-20 (Equavilant to C-17 Globemaster) and future projects like SAC's X-47B! It is almost funny seeing how Pinoy's think they can defeat us.
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    China has learned a lot from USAF.

    Nice comparison!
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    US asked to ease satellite export,by china

    China has surpassed NASA in cargo payloads and successful launches...
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