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    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    Will these Turkish Technology corporations help develop parts for the future TFX-Fighter using experiences from the JSF program?
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    LiJianSharp SwordUCAV makes taxing

    I'd be more impressed when we have the planned indigenous Aircraft Carrier with Electro-Magnetic Catapult Launchers which had upgraded J-15A (Two seater) and the infamous J-31 stealth Fighter.
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    China’s Anti-Carrier Ballistic Missile Now Opposite Taiwan | Bloomberg

    HK is by far more credible than you will ever. He has provided many defense website good Informations and gave us insight into the PLA's military updates. You on the other hand, are an annoying troll that bugs the Chinese Sections of this website. HK has contribute, you troll.
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    Saudi Arabia to buy Altay MBTs.

    Would be understandable why M60s and AMX tanks are being used in the Southern Border regions; Less likely to face sophisticated forces from Yemen, Africa et al. Needless to say, An Armored division consisting of M1A Abrams with TUSK upgrades and Altay Tanks with Laser range finders and Gun...
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    US Africa Command to use Chinese satellites

    According to Pentagon spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Monica Matoush, the US Africa Command has decided to lease space on the Apstar-7 satellite, which is majority operated by China’s state-owned Aerospace Science & Technology Corp via Hong Kong-based APT Satellite Holdings. The military...
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    Romans vs Han China

    Siege of Constantinople (626) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    China Science & Technology Forum

    Wonderful news, but we still need more investment in our Gas Turbine technology for Naval Construction and more funds and research equipment allocated for PRC's indigenous Jet engine.
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    Romans vs Han China

    I know this is off-topic but some Nordic White Supermist stated that Vikings were stronger than Mongols/Turkics and would defeat Mongolians :D! What's your opinion on that?
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    Romans vs Han China

    China had superior Naval Wafare tactics than Rome: Battle of Red Cliff
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    Romans vs Han China

    Your so wrong. The Persians did not utillitized slaves, in fact they abolished under Cyrus the Great and the Zoroastrian religion banned it.
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    Romans vs Han China

    Yet it was the Chinese invented the Stirrup-_- and was introduced to Europe during the Early Middle-ages, and have you ever heard of the Xiongnu-Han war? Please don't compare East Asians and C.Asian to European when it comes to Cavalry warfare. The Huns for the Western Roman Empire (forced...
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    Romans vs Han China

    It's speculative history. Imagine these two Ancient Superpowers met and had an conflict..
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    Romans vs Han China

    Han Chinese troops: The Imperial Roman Army
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    China should DEMAND return of all stolen treasures

    I think that indeed the Romans were a force to be reckoned with, but they had their weaknesses. For example, a sustained arrow barrage from all sides (such as the Parthian tactic) would eventually reduce the Roman formation one by one. Also, the Romans, as they were trained to fight...
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    Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

    I hope one day Classical Chinese culture comes back to the motherland, to the banks of the yellow river.
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    China Says US 'Pacific Pivot' Destabilizes Region

    My thought exactly!
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    Ancient Pyramids in China

    When the Japanese are more honorable than the Koreans, that's for sure..
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    Chinese Shipbuilder CSOC unveiled new Frigate, LHD and Submarine designs

    These Frigates are perfect for PLAN'S Littoral combat capability. Esp in the SCS.
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