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  1. T

    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    First of all, All air bases would taken out if it came to an assault on nicobar islands by cruise missiles from Land bases in the SSC or Naval DDG like Type 052D which can carry 20 DLCM. Secondly, if Su 30MKI got from Missile attack in the Groung then it would face J-15 with ASEA radar and ISRT...
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    Carrier is biggef because china plans for 4 more. But Indian payload is bigger as it carries more Mig-29K. And AshM would fail against Type 052D as it can shoot it down via HQ 9
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    Because the DF-21 is march 10 and is intented for land based A2/AD warfare against US carrier fleets in case of a war. Bohamas is march 4 max and lacks 1000-5000 mile range like DF-21 ICBM/AD
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    I have no bad intention believe me! I just made an Hypothisis, trolls may make bad intentional use of these type of threads (Thus making Actus Reus via "Mens rea" or bad intention)
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    No politics please. Stick to topic. How well would Indian DDG stand against Type 052 and future 90 cells Type 055
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    Its freedom of speech, if they don't Like it then tough luck. It is defence related so what is so bad?
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    Mistake it 4 054A Type not Type 052A. Using mobile Dude, it a Naval battle, not Mountain warfare. Open another Thread About that.
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    Not really that will lead to nuclear war. But pla marines secure Nicobar Islands.
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    A Hypothitical naval war between India and China

    Synopsis: India gets involved in the South China sea disputes by drillings and Maritime manovours using the nicobar Islands as its main Naval base. A CPC hawk gets into power and get annoyed and urges India to show constriant, or the consequence will be severe. India is reluctant to act upon the...
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    China J15 Landing & Flying on Aircraft Carrier photo released, more coming

    wonderful, J-15 has Fly-by-wire system with ASEA radar, Electro-optic sensors, thrust vectoring WS-10 engine, and could provide deep strike missions.
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    New Unclassified Turkish Projects

    Wow, A Turkish AC-130
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    Daniel Streich Embraces Islam

    Don't even think about it. To hell with creationism.... Anything who believes in Adam eve nonsence and biblical floods have little scientific credability. Hell lot better than India where they partioned two nation over arab cults :O ;-)
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    Turkey angers russia..

    Saw a RT report on TuAF F-16 Force landing a Syrian plane from moscow. Putin cancels a trip to Ankara. Turks did it now, Su-33 on Admiral Carrier to leave black sea fleet to Med. I told you that erdogon will piss of the bear.
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    Detachment 2012: New Tejas Pics

    Your navy is doing fine
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    China considers more Mars probes before 2030

    this good news. I with it also has buget for non rocket based engines for spacecraft like ion thrusters or VASMIR
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    Could J-15 fit in as a AS Fighter for Admiral Goshkov Carrier

    Wrong there are many videos and pics of J-15 but the problem is validity of the plane landing in the AC. It does have ASEA radar which makes it superior to Su-33 in BVR hence its a bigger upgrade of SU-27 like F-15 to F-15K or F-15I R'aad. For Loanining ex Varyang it could fit in as many as...
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    Could J-15 fit in as a AS Fighter for Admiral Goshkov Carrier

    Although many would have a problem with this thread, I just wanna see and discuss the possiblity of something like this happening.
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    India to Build, Export T-50 Stealth Fighter by 2020

    Oh dear not another India-China troll fest. BTW what will be Pak-Fa main AA weapons? I think Russia is giving the original thing. Besides wven if it is a knockoff version it could still be used as testing groud for IAF future Stealth aircraft.
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    India approves $50 billion naval build-up

    Impressive but as impressive has 30 Type 052C/D, 40 Type 054A with H-18/9,.Modifiyed Yaunan subs AIP,.new Type 099/8 SSN, Loaining carrier, J-15 Fighter and classified Type 055DDG
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    KAI joins turkish light helicopter contest

    Why not buy J-11 to replace F-4 and get J-31 Stealth fighter..
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