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  1. M

    Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

    Great! Couldn't say better than this! :cheers:
  2. M

    Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

    Prostitution in China - Wikipedia The state-controlled media have focused attention on urban residents engaging in prostitution, especially university-educated women. There also seems to be a growing acceptance of prostitution. In a 1997 study, 46.8% of undergraduates in Beijing admitted to...
  3. M

    Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

    Great Idea! We want revenge for '62 war!!!
  4. M

    Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

    Well said......
  5. M

    Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

    Ha ha ha.......... keep dreaming.
  6. M

    Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

    ...................It is China that has plundered valuable raw material from Africa and left them even more miserable condition! It is China that has colonized the whole Africa! It is China that has supplied arms to Sudan as a result 2 million people died in Darfur. It is China that has...
  7. M

    Why Congress wants to forget 1962 Indo-China war

    We did not murder 10000 innocent students at Tienanmen square in 1989. We do not have state imposed 1 child policy. We have not killed 1 million innocents Tibetans since China has invaded there. China Govt. refused to allow 2nd child to the parents after they lost their one and only child in...
  8. M

    Now, Indian BSF Abducts a Teenager

    Well said! Completely agree with you!!!
  9. M

    India to get its 22 Mi-17s and four Mi-35 choppers back from UN by June

    Does anyone know what happened to the RFP for 22 attack helicopter which was issued by the Indian Army and Apache, Tiger and another Italian company was in the race to get the deal???
  10. M

    India and Russia should speed up PAK-FA

    Have you forgotten 1962 India-China war??? It was China that invaded India whiout any provocation. It is China that illegaly occupied 38000sq km in Aksai Chin of Indian teritory. It is China that is claiming 90000sq km of Arunachal Pradesh!!! Our media is not biased towards US! This is trruth...
  11. M

    RFP Issued for Howitzers for Indian Army; BAE Systems M777s Lead Race

    I think Indian Govt. should allow trusted companies like BAE System to set up production facility in India. BAE system has been supplying arms for decades including harrier jump-jets in the 1960s. If world renowned defense companies like BAE sets up facility in India then we will not only get...
  12. M

    Arms smuggling, trading double

    Your reaction suggests that you have been completely misguided by biased news that some Bangladeshi newspapers as well as strong anti-Indian political party like BNP regularly ‘manufacture’. You said India has been allowed to use Bangladeshi territory to access its landlocked North-East Indian...
  13. M

    Arms smuggling, trading double

    I wonder why these cross-border smuggling or human trafficking is so rampant at Indo-Bangladesh border? If we look at Indo-Pakistan border it is almost non-existent. Despite there is a high demand of Indian products in Pakistan? But the fact is Indian goods do get 'smuggled' but via third...
  14. M

    Now, Indian BSF Abducts a Teenager

    Well, fortunately or unfortunately India-Bangladesh don't have any kind of agreement to deport arrested illegal immigrant back to their home. Therefore, India's willingness should not be questioned!
  15. M

    Now, Indian BSF Abducts a Teenager

    "Some news link"? Did I ask that? I think I asked news links from International media not from Bangladeshi newspaper like Dailystar. The question is how we (both Bangladesh Govt. & India Govt.) can stop killing or abduction of Bangladeshi or Indian nationals(sometimes) at Indo-Bangladesh...
  16. M

    Now, Indian BSF Abducts a Teenager

    Oh! really? Could you please give me a single news link (only international news media like BBC, CNN etc. neither Indian nor Bangladeshi) to justify your claim?
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