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  1. S

    Protect Mourners of Imam Hussain (as) in Pakistan

    Can you please not respond with irrelevant arguments?
  2. S

    Clinton threats Pakistan over IP pipeline

    I can't ever understand the mentality of the bharatis and which universe's logic they use. Pakistan is controlled by USA. Pakistan supports Taliban, Al Qaeda, Haqqanis, protected OBL, and on and on. I mean seriously, do you guys NOT see the obvious contradiction? Does it have to pointed out...
  3. S

    OBL was in contact with members of Pakistan's spy agency: Report

    So again, can anyone comment on why are we taking internal emails seriously? I mean if that's the case, we may as well have believed that Iraq had WMDs. I haven't come across any significant proof against Pakistan or ISI. The paranoia against ISI seems to be reaching new heights. The funny...
  4. S

    OBL was in contact with members of Pakistan's spy agency: Report

    So let me get this straight.. this is an internal email? What's the point here then, if that's the case? Why even bother looking at this? ---------- Post added at 08:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 AM ---------- Perhaps better image to describe yourself:
  5. S

    US takes distance from ‘Balochistan resolution’ US takes distance from ‘Ba

    There's no talk on this. Some lunatic says something, but nobody takes it seriously. Just because the lunatic mentioned it the first time, it does not that suggest that what he mentions mean anything substantial, or it will transpire into anything. These kinds of things happen very often. A...
  6. S

    Pakistan has proof of foreign hand in Balochistan

    ^ We've accused bharat too in the past, Einstein. And yes, we can't give proof because of US pressure. If Pakistan proves that US/Bharat are supporting terrorism, the whole dynamics in the region change. Nevertheless, the fact that Bramdagh Bugti was being sheltered in Afghanistan - and...
  7. S

    Pakistan to expose US interference in Balochistan

    You're not making any sense now. You were mentioning that India is poor hence can't destabilize Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't want India near Afghanistan and wants Kashmir - fair enough - but Pakistan is still dirt poor and a beggar state, according to Bharatis, so it can't afford to destabilize...
  8. S

    Pakistan to expose US interference in Balochistan

    And how does that make a difference? US aid is barely around 1/30 of our budget. So that aid makes us rich? Bharatis still call us poor and beggars. Please don't go back on what you regularly say.
  9. S

    Pakistan to expose US interference in Balochistan

    No, only the 1 billion bharatis. Outside bharat and Pakistan, you'd be able to count on one hand how people know or care about it. ---------- Post added at 08:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ---------- :lol: Do you see the problem with that statement? You call us dirt...
  10. S

    Pakistan to expose US interference in Balochistan

    Again, bharatis and their small world. Hardly anyone in western media has reported it. It's only in bharati media and Pakistan media. And of course, bharatis think if something is reported in their media, the whole world is talking about it. :lol:
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