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  1. T

    China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

    Nah they just talk we are still exploring in Vietnam seas
  2. T

    Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

    Wiki its activities http://www.asiantribune.com/news/2010/05/01/ex-isi-officer-killed-%E2%80%98al-qaeda-linked-punjabi-taliban%E2%80%99 Ex-ISI officer killed by ‘al-Qaeda linked Punjabi Taliban’ Sat, 2010-05-01 02:49 — editor ISI is so great it can't even save its...
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    Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

    RAW have done much more than you know
  4. T

    China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

    Bottom line is we will continue exploring oil in Vietnamese waters what will you do about it apart from talking?
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    Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

    After tracing calls from a terrorist cell phone recovered during the May 22-23 battle for Pakistan Naval Station (PNS) Mehran, security forces May 27 arrested suspect Qari Qaiser, Dawn reported. He reportedly belongs to a banned jihadist organisation and runs a madrassa in Dera Ghazi Khan...
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    Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

    Militancy grows in South Punjab - Central Asia Online Punjab is where the nexus of the militant networks comes together He is a Pakistani is he not? and he is writing for a Pakistani paper
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    Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

    This is from Pakistnai media unless they lying lol and if our intelligence agencies so bad what is yours?
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    China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

    There is many Tibetians living in India and why do Chinese leave China for the west when they become rich? because your cities are a polluted hell holes http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204394804577011760523331438.html
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    China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

    Why u bringing up a war fought without missiles or a airforce? it is 2012 now not 1962 do u forget how the Japanese massacred you? China can't make us do anything we have a deal with Vietnam to explore oil in their waters and ONGC will continue doing this
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    Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

    Punjab is infested with jihadis some known culprits were caught from here http://tribune.com.pk/story/338400/keeping-mum-about-the-punjabi-taliban/ Leader of the Jaish-e-Muhammad Masood Azhar was running a training camp of warriors in Cholistan, receiving financial aid from al Qaeda, also...
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    Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

    You reap what u sow ISI funded these jihadis now some have turned rogue oh well like I give a ****
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    Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

    China can end this by calling UN security council meeeing but they wont :azn:
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    Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

    Chinese dont care :woot: they too busy making money in Burma and Syria
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    Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

    Pakistani would be better looking into their own domestic problems then interfering in sovereign country, even China is not doing so and they best friends with Pakistan why don't Pakistan make call to China tell them to put pressure on Burma?
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    Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

    Chinese don't care they too busy making money from Burma and letting Tibetians burn themselves alive while Pakistan let's shias and ahmediyas get slaughtered :) Bangladesh i understand why they dont take them because their country will be underwater in next 30 years so there is no room.
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    China is cool, but bet on India

    China has lapped India many times over the race is over
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    Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

    @Developereo Burma is in China's pocket they do much more business compared to India not to mention they get their weapons from China also why does Pakistan not make a SOS call to your best friend China?
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    India to buy 10,000 Russian 'Konkurs-M' anti-tank guided missiles

    You know nothing lol all armies stockpile weapons :rofl: Not worried about you get over yourself we have China to think about
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    Ongoing Systematic Massacre of Muslim Rohingas in Myanmar

    India like China must not interfere in internal matters of a sovereign state and let Burma deal with it's own problems.
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    Pakistan grants 'holy city' status to Nankana Sahib

    The word itself is from Sanskrit and named after Kashmiri pandits :lol: and you say your the native? we have Amarnath shrine there which is older than your religion so please dont talk shite
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