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  1. StingRoy

    China's thin margin for error in property policies

    It unfortunately is. There are very similar market dynamics driving the housing sector. I believe it is a part of every developing economy and the staggering ROI. But I am surprised at Singapore in your list. I thought it had a relatively stable housing sector because of the govt involvement in...
  2. StingRoy

    China's thin margin for error in property policies

    And I think there is also a limit on how many properties one can buy (just one) with bank loans. Anything more than that you need to finance on your own. This is what I think I remember someone told me on my last visit to China. This is a good safeguard to prevent the rich from investing and...
  3. StingRoy

    Tainted alcohol kills scores in India

    Decades of rot in the system by the Communists is showing up. Hope prompt action is taken to nab the culprits responsible for this tragedy.
  4. StingRoy

    Respect dead soldiers

    Then blame it on the higher ranking officers and the chain of command, not the soldiers.
  5. StingRoy

    India to be No. 3 auto market by 2015

    @conworldus... unfortunately it is not "misleading", rather the industry standard to measure the size of the automobile market. No wonder auto companies world wide try to increase the number of models in their portfolio just to garner more numbers and hence overall share in the respective...
  6. StingRoy

    India "Explodes" as its "Time of Reckoning" Arrives

    This should be enough stimuli for those parties who were opposed to the FDI in retail sector. India needs to open up the retail and aviation sector now. With the inflation slowing down, we should also see a rollback in the interest rates which would bring back the IIP to sustainable levels. We...
  7. StingRoy

    Facebook Won't Censor Posts for India

    @Sparky...I would click on "delete my FB account" the day I see this message.
  8. StingRoy

    Facebook Won't Censor Posts for India

    That's not the reason. Congress is just trying to save their leaders from religious fanatics living in the cyber world. Read this article : What Sibal's censorship means for us "The examples he showed the services, included a Facebook page where Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh were not...
  9. StingRoy

    Half Of China's Super-rich Want To Leave

    Yes regulated labor cost is higher in India compared to China. That's one of the reasons why India also outsources a number of manufacturing jobs to China.
  10. StingRoy

    Top Chinese officers to train in India

    What sort of training is this? Management training? I hope they are not military training.
  11. StingRoy

    Indian govt to fix quota for backward Muslims

    Thanks for the link... but the question remains who claims the credit for it or rather how it is projected infront of the masses. Thats what matters in Indian politics.
  12. StingRoy

    Indian govt to fix quota for backward Muslims

    It seems like this was the only option left for Rahul Gandhi to counter Mayawati's proposed division of UP. Lets see what Kumari Mayawati has to counter.
  13. StingRoy

    Indian govt to fix quota for backward Muslims

    What does having better roads and infrastructure have to do with religion. You should stop looking at everything from the eyes of religion and so do our so called "leaders and national parties".
  14. StingRoy

    Indian govt to fix quota for backward Muslims

    I second it... The only issue is the logistics involved in proving that you are indeed poor... If some of the MPs and MLAs are showing few lakh worth of property while owning Land Cruisers and living in palatial bungalows, owning vast tracts of land ... how do you expect the mango man to prove...
  15. StingRoy

    Pakistan can become SuperPower because of talent.

    I want to see this car on Top Gear
  16. StingRoy

    India Tops the World in Open Defecation

    In India we have a saying... what comes from the earth should return to the earth... ;) (pun intended)
  17. StingRoy

    India : Paris hilton gives beggar $100

    Unfortunately fate had a different plan in mind ;) Paris Hilton's $100 note to beggar torn to shreds - India News - IBNLive
  18. StingRoy

    Another train crash in china 280 people injured

    I wish the Indian Railways accidents had a similar coverage on the fatalities it causes every year. We seem to have taken railway accidents for granted with no concrete steps to improve the safety of the passengers. I hope China wakes up to scrutinize the deficiencies it has in its system and...
  19. StingRoy

    Sri Lankan Locomotive Engineers refuse to operate Indian S11 powers sets

    I believe what is lacking is proper training by the SL railway staff. IR has been running these Electric power sets for past 7-8 years and I am yet to hear a single problem with these trains. Without understanding the technicalities involved in the case it is very easy to put the blame on the...
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