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  1. Strigon

    Picture of the Day

  2. Strigon

    Funny,the Chinese 'U.S.A' coming (bad film & good equipments)

    Then you gotta be extra careful not to engage in a "joyful conversation" :woot: with another woman when she is not around....or is she.. Hopefully the gun wouldn't have live bullets From these pictures, I can really see China as emerging military/ economic super power. Exceptionally...
  3. Strigon

    UK rights activist to move ICJ over Indian PoWs in Pakistan

    Rofl! :laughcry: covert op, step out of Hollywood. Your govt didn't have the guts (forget any ability to do so) to carry out the "surgical strikes" on alleged "terror training camps" in Pakistan after 26/11. You Indians never fail to land a thread to its lowest level of intellect.
  4. Strigon

    Comedy in Pakistan: Who’d have thought?

    Indians would grab onto any straw in a desperate attempt to beg for a word of praise from other countries. The things she has mentioned are fabricated lies on purpose, to create drama and excite the Indian fan-boys here. Let me explain to you how. First off, you can never lie and get away from...
  5. Strigon

    3 Christian Boys Were Killed by Police Due to Love Affair with Muslim Girls

    Be there a link or not, dont you agree that I was successful in destroying your false claims? And links to media/ news is the only way to prove anyone's point.. so basically you are asking me to just to keep pasting paragraphs with no validity. Also I never said no to uneducated muslims not...
  6. Strigon

    3 Christian Boys Were Killed by Police Due to Love Affair with Muslim Girls

    I just showed you, your educated nationals presented by US media trying to rape American 13 year old girls in America and you still say local? I mean, are you slow/ soft in the head? you have a habit of making yourself look ignorant? because if you do, thats good. People on PDF need to see your...
  7. Strigon

    Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

    Haha, nokia 3310 is well known for its hardness/ survival. I myself dropped the phone (yes that was my first phone) numerous times but it never even chipped forget crack.
  8. Strigon

    3 Christian Boys Were Killed by Police Due to Love Affair with Muslim Girls

    What do you mean "last resort"? Evidence of your scum nationals in video is much more appealing than huge paragraphs of text. Was it wrong of me to prove your false assumptions of keeping your f!lth with in India? I think not. You obviously suffered a bloody nose and got nothing to back up...
  9. Strigon

    3 Christian Boys Were Killed by Police Due to Love Affair with Muslim Girls

    Haha wow you have a child's mind. Now let me show your brave, educated, and (love this one) Well respected members of society "animals" staying in their "forest" only bugging foreign and domestic "animals" Guy above is a computer engineer and "well respected member of society" bringing...
  10. Strigon

    3 Christian Boys Were Killed by Police Due to Love Affair with Muslim Girls

    Does it count when a non Indian citizen falls victim to your morons in your country? or is that too inconvenient of a factor for you? I did expect witless reply from you since you obviously are Indian to your roots.
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