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  1. Strigon

    Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

    Funny, you quoted & challenged me on the topic with your own theories and now when I ask for an explanation all you have to say is Stick to the topic :what:
  2. Strigon

    Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

    Well ask anyone here, even Indian members even though they may not show emotions but inside they do see how pathetically funny this news is. You must give a possible/ logical explanation instead of "More than what meets the eye" defense as it doesnt improve your image one bit.
  3. Strigon

    Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

    What are you in race for then? outsourced companies and call centers from west for a dollar a day labor? the same education system that fails gain an understanding of planets for 6 months straight? but has plans for a mars mission? Oh the poor souls, I feel sorry for your astronauts. P.S. I...
  4. Strigon

    Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

    Yeah sure, at the rate you are spotting drones in the night sky, I wouldn't even be surprised if you find a new earth like planet in the next 2 years. There indeed is a bright future ahead of you and we all have witness the glimpse.
  5. Strigon

    Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

    Its hard to understand your "Engrish" but you may just be another victim of your education system. Just accept and keep in mind the incompetence of your government/ army, its nor trust worthy not even for you. Who knows it may reveal to you tomorrow it has intelligence that Jupiter/ Venus are...
  6. Strigon

    Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

    You are also a country that brags a lot about its space capabilities and fails to consult 12 year olds that can distinguish between planets and drones. Do your self a favor, train your boys well and test their astronomy before sending into space. Its a lonely place to die out there alone...
  7. Strigon

    Pakistan's Mujahideen Regiment behind LoC attack'

    Talk about army, wasn't yours the one that was high on crack, seeing planets and drones alike for 6 months straight? :laughcry: An incompetence that could potentially have led to a conflict with China? Although, I would have loved to see IA's a$s handed to it by PLA, it saddens me that China...
  8. Strigon

    Poll Ranks India Among Most Dangerous Countries for Women, Cites Rising Rat

    A revelation, in case you weren't aware. His country is infact India. He likes to hide under different flags as his national origin was uncovered by a team of PDF investigators, probably is too ashamed. He comes and goes to India and Australia a lot, probably is an International student there...
  9. Strigon

    PLA cuts off Indian Army from its forward bunkers!

    Well, dont be so blunt. Indian govt is responding. IAF is inviting software companies/ engineers to make an Android game in which china is the first enemy and maybe Jupiter/ Venus final boss. All enemies ever creating problems for India will be dealt with...in game
  10. Strigon

    Little girl killed her elder sister on dispute of memory card

    No matter which country/ society you go to, there will always be the worst human beings possible, undeserving of their status ruling over animals on this good earth. Hopefully she wears the memory card around her neck as a neckless, constant reminder of the reason of murder.
  11. Strigon

    Video Gamers report in!

    Maybe he has set a higher/ better purpose for Hayter not yet disclosed to public, there's a lot of talk abt grey fox showing up and having some resemblance with original snake....hayter, maybe?
  12. Strigon

    Video Gamers report in!

    Rofl, well I'll least try it out. Seems promising with new awesome story and features.
  13. Strigon

    Video Gamers report in!

    Hah, well Kojima's reasoning is that Big Boss's voice needs to be different than Solid Snake. Though I hardly believe it being the only reason since their Japanese voice actor is still the same.
  14. Strigon

    The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

    You really don't have much to add but defend a news channel admitted by many Indians right here on these forums as one of the worst. All we see on these forums almost every day how great India is going to be and when the reality of incompetence which could have potentially led to a conflict...
  15. Strigon

    The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

    6 months mistake don't happen, its called incompetence. 12 year olds can do a better job. Bringing this funny news of army's incompetence in-front of Indian population works in favor of NDTV and other stations instead of suppressing it i.e. more viewers/ discussion on its page . It would have...
  16. Strigon

    The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

    I have watched it buddy, a lot of it is posted as funny material on this very website. You as usual are going to stick till the end to defend a dead cause. You choose to filter out the credibility issues as mistakes that could have been a disaster by an nation who is i don't know so superior to...
  17. Strigon


    Ha, idhar duphar kay 2 baj rahay haan, abhee soo jaoon? dont wory, I'll have a nice picture for you to look at while you eat food for sehri :woot:
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