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  1. wakapdf

    India readies troops as Pakistan rattles arms across the border

    I agree, going to war would be beneficial for us and would send India back couple of decades. They can give up their hope of becoming power giant in Asia if they war us. How would you classify the mindset of India media??
  2. wakapdf

    China:It’s up to India, Pak to resolve LoC tension

    Russia and USA, India's best best friends and suppliers said the exact same thing...
  3. wakapdf

    India readies troops as Pakistan rattles arms across the border

    War drums are being rung on the Indian side only, Pakistan army is not advocating war or strikes unlike Indian army guys on Times now or NDTV
  4. wakapdf

    India readies troops as Pakistan rattles arms across the border

    Did you built yourself a nuke bunker as well, you'll need one. We will nuke the likes of nuke, just for the fun of it :chilli:
  5. wakapdf

    Signs of Coming War!

    Two front war BS. You cant even take on Pakistan by yourself :chilli: (this comment is only meant for this user since he does not believe in peace)
  6. wakapdf

    Teach Pakistan a lesson like 1965: Hazare

    Ha! you war mongers! India is not at war with Pakistan, only the Indian media is. They are beating the drums to attract more audience to their channels. Watch it fizzle out in a few days...
  7. wakapdf

    Signs of Coming War!

    I just saw reports from Times Now and NDTV and was actually surprised to see the hype created by the Indian Media. If it were for them we would already be at war. But unfortunately saner heads prevail and here we are discussing defense and politics and not ripping each other to shreds... Yes...
  8. wakapdf

    PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

    @batmannow MQM backed off hahahahaha
  9. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    It would have been a mistake if US was at its prime. But its a wounded superpower now, with too many threads and pressure points in middle east. It would suffer a major blow if Pak goes against it... lets just agree to disagree. Its kind of late and i have to sleep. We'll continue the discussion...
  10. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    US would be short on weapons and supplies in Afghanistan since its land locked. It wont be able to withstand the blockade. Russian side isnt very pro US either. It would need supplies for its troops in Afghanistan who will be constantly under attack by taliban. The price tag on the supplies...
  11. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    All of these groups are already being supplied, so its not something new. All their weapons come from Karachi port, if the supplies get blocked, that would be the end of it. They cant impose sanctions on useless basis or even if they try, we can get China to veto it. Yes they can block loans...
  12. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    I would differ, i think we have reached a point where US cant inflict any serious damage. We on the other hand have major potential to cause harm, whether it be supply lines, support for afghan taliban, blue on green attacks, you name it (not saying we should do it, but the potential is...
  13. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Sir but our country is already destabilized. Karachi burns everyday with shootings, waziristan is being droned, blasts in quetta, war in fata, floods in sindh. I think we have been saturated enough that US is out of options except for a few blasts here and there....
  14. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    BLA is funded and supplied by India, but the one calling the shots is CIA. Do you remember the arrest of Shazain Bughti, the first thing he did was call US embassy for help. Sure, all these agencies may be there but i still see the main culprit as CIA
  15. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    The same amount could be delivered to Afghan Taliban to return the favor via land. Since they are also drawing down, they will be more vulnerable than any other time in this conflict
  16. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Good analysis, but i would like to add one thing. I think in this one, RAW was assisted by CIA assets on the ground. Sure, RAW may have funded it but the assets were definitely CIA.
  17. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    I did read your post but US is just as vulnerable as we are. If they take revenge, we can easily strike them back, not directly, but indirectly
  18. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    You are wrong my friend. Compare the number of terrorist attacks that took place when the supplies were blocked as compared to the ones after they were reopened. The explosive material that ends up with terrorists comes from Karachi Port, whether it be RAW calling the shots or CIA.
  19. wakapdf

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Just block the god damn NATO supply routes! These things would fizzle off within a month
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