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  1. fallstuff

    God created War so Americans would learn Geography

    I beg to differ. I enjoyed binging on Russian vodka few times, yet I am still alive !!! Can you post a link to this survey ? I do recall seeing Jay Leno's hilarious general knowledge video clips from people hanging around outside the studio where he records the show.
  2. fallstuff

    US set to adopt new Cold War strategy on Russia: Report

    Let me tell you what happened to wholesale propane prices just a few months ago. The cold wave in January sent mid-atlantic wholesale propane prices from $1.67/gallon to $2.73/gallon. A disruption in Russian gas supply will drive Natural and propane prices through the roof not only for Europe...
  3. fallstuff

    Evict Muslims from Hindu areas: Pravin Togadia

    He is right. Nothing happened to Sikh Killers, and killers of 2002 Gujrat riots. He got it all figured out.
  4. fallstuff

    Russia Today Reporter destroys CNN

    CNN is regurgitating the State Dept line and RT is reiterating the Russian line. Both are sorry excuses for journalism. You are just repeating what the State Dept is saying. Critical thinking is not exactly your forte !!
  5. fallstuff

    Russia Today Reporter destroys CNN

    People here naturally trust the news coming off different media, there is nothing unusual about it. Its just so that in many cases they were not informed about all the facts. When CNN claims in self advertising such as " Trust CNN" , it has a moral as well as fiduciary responsibility to provide...
  6. fallstuff

    Russia Today Reporter destroys CNN

    I would like to look at things rather objectively, binary reasoning won't get me too far these days. Freedom runs supreme in your world. You eat, breath, and perhaps also bathe in it. This particular kind of freedom is indeed alien to me. This thread is not about freedom. CNN is free to do...
  7. fallstuff

    Russia Today Reporter destroys CNN

    A conservative friend of mine once said, " We conservatives tend to see the world in black or white." You certainly fit this definition. My post was actually to " merely state the fact", additionally also to point out the fact that what has become of CNN !!! I actually have more respect for...
  8. fallstuff

    Russia Today Reporter destroys CNN

    FOX is the mouth piece of Republican Party , MSNbc is all hail Obama. CNN is more liberal than it is conservative. Lately CNN seems to have lost its ways. Its accepting money from sponsors to run shows as special reports. In other words for a few dollars CNN wouldn't mind to be your hoe !!
  9. fallstuff

    BBC panorama - Muslim first British second

    Integration is a liberal concept that seems to change on a whim. The population in topic is the same kind of folks that were there decades ago. What has changed is the level of change some folks were expecting to see in their lifestyles. This is probably what is pis*ing off the liberals. When...
  10. fallstuff

    Princeton Concludes What Kind of Government America Really Has, and It's Not a Democracy

    We don't need a study from Princeton to find the obvious, duh !!
  11. fallstuff

    Team USA

    You pulled this one from " Mission Impossible" !!!! Intelligent Contact Lenses The movie features contact lens, which are capable of image capture and display. These contact lenses transmit data to an iPhone. There are multiple uses of these lenses. First, the images captured are...
  12. fallstuff

    Bangladeshis the most generous tippers in South Asia

    Spoken like a true Indian !!!!!!
  13. fallstuff

    China Slams NYT Report Questioning Beijing's Role in Malaysia Jet Search

    NY Times doing a hatchet job-- Bill Oreily
  14. fallstuff

    Tagore, The Islamophobe....

    Here is some more strange stuff, Two women Prime Ministers elected alternatively for the last 23 years and for all likelihood will stay like that in the foreseeable future. Then it gets weird, JI actually was/is in a coalition headed by a woman.
  15. fallstuff

    Tagore, The Islamophobe....

    You need to read his work to understand why he was popular. My mother never missed a prayer in her life yet she loved his works especially the musicals. IMO opinion the only other figure that is somewhat comparable to him is Nazrul. BTV been playing Tagore and Nazrul since the 70's. AL...
  16. fallstuff

    Tagore, The Islamophobe....

    Perhaps I should have used the word tolerant. Tagore is popular simply because of his work. There is no one like him in Bangla literature. I keep politics and art separate. I don't like Michael Savage's political leanings, but his right wing influenced radio talk show is the most entertaining of...
  17. fallstuff

    Barrett "Light Fifty" M82A1 M82A2 M82A3 (USA)

    you can rent a 50 cal Barett at the outdoor range near where l live for $50 an hour.
  18. fallstuff

    U.S. sends spy satellite into space with Russian-powered Atlas 5 rocket

    U.S. sends spy satellite into space with Russian-powered Atlas 5 rocket A super secret US spy satellite soared spectacularly to space this afternoon from Cape Canaveral atop a very powerful version of the Atlas V. The U.S. National Reconnaissance Office launched a United Launch Alliance-made...
  19. fallstuff

    Tagore, The Islamophobe....

    I read and listened to Tagore extensively, possibly more than anyone on the forum. Tagore created some of the finest pieces of literature that are out there. Having said that, I can only find one reference to a short story by Tagore named " Musalmanir Golpo." I don't know if it actually by him...
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