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  1. fallstuff

    George Zimmerman found not guilty

    See for yourself. He clearly has two gash on the back of his head. His nose is all bloody.
  2. fallstuff

    George Zimmerman found not guilty

    I do believe that if Zimmerman did not follow the teenager, Trayvon Martin would still be alive today However, just because Zimmerman decided to follow him does not mean that Trayvon Martin is empowered to bash his head on a concrete sidewalk. It is kind of hard to figure out how much damage...
  3. fallstuff

    George Zimmerman found not guilty

    I always thought Zimmerman was innocent in defending himself. Having said that he must have said or done something that triggered Trevon to go on a violent rampage. I don't think Zimmerman told the whole story about the moments leading to the attack on him.
  4. fallstuff

    Hasina flays Hifazat chief Ahmad Shafi

    I would pay to be in his Jumah sermons. This is priceless. There was one masjid in Dhaka where the gentleman would describe in the friday sermon how girls wearing kameez without orna making the boys eyes pop out and causing them to have impure thoughts. He just went on and on about female...
  5. fallstuff

    Amar G. Bose, Acoustic Engineer and Inventor, Dies at 83

    I have Bose in my car augmented by polk amp and kicker sub. The combination is unbelievable. However I do believe Bose home audio is overpriced. I have two sets of home theater surround sound systems ( infinity & yamaha) powered by 2 Harman Kardons in two separate rooms. Each of them...
  6. fallstuff

    Mubarak era Copt Billionaire Naguib Sawiris pricipal supporter of Tamarrod

    If there is a civil war there will be wholesale slaughter of the MB/like minded and the Copts.
  7. fallstuff

    Mubarak era Copt Billionaire Naguib Sawiris pricipal supporter of Tamarrod

    It was probably about money and power all along. The show started around when Moesi took office.
  8. fallstuff

    Mubarak era Copt Billionaire Naguib Sawiris pricipal supporter of Tamarrod

    He probably feels Morsi is a dead horse or he wants recognition aka bragging rights. Not many people has the cojons to take on a President. He knew Morsi had nominal control over police, even if Morsi wanted to he couldn't do anything to the rich man. My 2 cents.
  9. fallstuff

    Mubarak era Copt Billionaire Naguib Sawiris pricipal supporter of Tamarrod

    He as a citizen of Egypt exercised his rights to undermine Morsi Administration. It should not matter whether he is Christian or not. It is dirty politics, but politics nevertheless. I really do not see anything wrong the way his efforts undermined Morsi in spite of the fact that the protesters...
  10. fallstuff

    NY Times: Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Mors

    My spirits are flying so high, I can even touch the sky !!! The U.S system is nothing like the Egyptians. There are no different bosses in the Govt but different branches of the Govt performing separate duties. 1) The executive branch which is Obama. 2) Legislative which is the House...
  11. fallstuff

    Mubarak era Copt Billionaire Naguib Sawiris pricipal supporter of Tamarrod

    I somewhat agree. I don't think he knew all the players in the theater.
  12. fallstuff

    Mubarak era Copt Billionaire Naguib Sawiris pricipal supporter of Tamarrod

    Interesting development. A copt provided material support to anti-Morsi folks, how did he manage to do it when Morsi was in powe? His offices throughout Egypt providsd logistics, his media outlets provided the appeal to the general population. Why didn't he disclose these facts to the...
  13. fallstuff

    NY Times: Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Mors

    Eggs are not the issue here. You are appearing as a person who has no understanding about issues related to dual authority in management or administration. In simple words you cannot have two bosses running a show. This simply nagates the point of the representative form of govt. This...
  14. fallstuff

    NY Times: Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Mors

    There is a parallel authority which is the Military that all these people are running to. As the cops and other establishments know who has bigger guns, then of-course they will undermine Morsi.
  15. fallstuff

    Mubarak era Copt Billionaire Naguib Sawiris pricipal supporter of Tamarrod

    “Tamarrod did not even know it was me!” he said. “I am not ashamed of it.” Mr. Sawiris, one of Egypt’s richest men and a titan of the old establishment, said Wednesday that he had supported an upstart group called “tamarrod,” Arabic for “rebellion,” that led a petition drive seeking Mr...
  16. fallstuff

    NY Times: Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Mors

    Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Morsi Many say sudden improvements prove that opponents conspired against Mr. Morsi. CAIRO — The streets seethe with protests and government ministers are on the run or in jail, but since the military ousted President Mohamed...
  17. fallstuff

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Daily Mail the tabloid which is usually anti-Islamist finds it disturbing the way Morsi supporters were mowed down. The mail is also claiming Mubarak regime goons are back in business enforcing the juntas wishes. Why I fear the worst for Egypt: Two years after predicting the rise of the...
  18. fallstuff

    Traditional clothing from the Arab world.

    Unfortunately the world never gets to see what you described as traditional Arab dresses for women on Arabian woman. The outfits for women look very colorful. By the way a, Prince Talals wife is one fine looking sister red beans and rice certainly missed her. Had to troll a...
  19. fallstuff

    McCain calls for suspension of U.S. military aid to Egypt

    I just don't like his going in Rambo style, other than that he is an alright politician.
  20. fallstuff

    McCain calls for suspension of U.S. military aid to Egypt

    McCain calls for suspension of U.S. military aid to Egypt Republican Senator John McCain called for a suspension of U.S. military aid to Egypt after the army ouster of Islamist president Mohammed Mursi, breaking with the official position in Washington. “I’ve thought long and hard...
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