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  1. fallstuff

    Illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, a big problem: Government

    Whatever happened to worlds second largest growing economy ? I think I know the answer. Indians intentionally slowed down the growth to stop millions of people migrating to the land of milk and honey.
  2. fallstuff

    Greek minister terms Pak,Bangladesh illegal immigrants ‘tragedy’

    I usually don't say it, but that was an awesome post or should I say comeback !!!
  3. fallstuff

    'Death sentence to Italian marines will be an act of war'

    Italians want America to extradite Amanda Knox to serve time for a murder conviction. Pandits here are saying the chances are slim that she will be handed over to Italy. This is interesting indeed.
  4. fallstuff

    NY Times OP-ED: Bangladesh's Non-Election

    NY Times OP-ED: Bangladesh's Non-Election DHAKA, Bangladesh — In early December, after weeks of strikes and road blocks called by the political opposition, the dairy farmers of the Rangpur district, in northern Bangladesh, started protesting the disruption to their business by pouring milk onto...
  5. fallstuff

    BNP leaders call verdict politically motivated

    BNP leaders call verdict politically motivated Two BNP leaders have termed the 10-truck arms haul verdict “politically motivated” while Jamaat-e-Islami said it is part of government’s conspiracy “to eliminate patriotic political leaders” from the country. Rejecting the verdict, Jamaat acting...
  6. fallstuff

    Sheikh Hasina or Khaleda Zia: Who is most powerful leader in world scenario?

    Hasina to Khaleda zia, " Who is your daddy now !!! "
  7. fallstuff

    BNP-Jamaat was active to destabilize India by delivering 10 truck arms to ULFA

    The Martians were also involved in this deal. They bought ten truck worth of arms cause their standard issue plasma blasters were malfunctioning.
  8. fallstuff

    BNP-Jamaat was active to destabilize India by delivering 10 truck arms to ULFA

    Since when arms case is punishable by death ? When did that happen ? Hasina is betting all or nothing.
  9. fallstuff

    By mid 2016 Bangladesh will be able to design and test almost all kinds of ships in the country.

    BD is becoming sort of Indian. We will be something in some years is a classic Indian phenomenon. IamBengali is right. Like father like son. Or as the saying goes, "Apple doesn't fall far from the tree !!! "
  10. fallstuff

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    Once upon a time a young girl was coming home from her fathers ( India) place. She just couldn't walk across as there was a fence erected by her father ( India), she needed to climb it. Poor girl got stuck started to cry, her father(India) came to find that she is stuck on the fence, out of...
  11. fallstuff

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    Actually our homie Loki is nowhere to be found. The Khichdi loving one is taking advantage of that.
  12. fallstuff

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    Exactly. Where was India after 42 years of Independence ? Indians will blame there dismal growth record on anyone but India. They will blame Congress as if Congress is not Indian. Similarly, they will blame Nehru, socialism, colonialism, Bihar, Muslim invaders, Muslim appeasement, Naxals...
  13. fallstuff

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    Awami League Folks believe in that like holy grail. I am talking about folks living in posh areas of Dhaka with one of the highest level of educations. Thats why I keep saying India does not need to do anything to have influence when it is already there with Awami League. Why would India turn...
  14. fallstuff

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    There are millions of Bangladeshis, Indians and Pakistanis employed in the Middle East. However, it would be stupid to say ME countries are completely dependent on these guys. U.S sells 100s of billions of dollars bonds to China, however that does not mean U.S is dependent on China. My...
  15. fallstuff

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    @Loki @Oscar @Aeronaut why this stupid thread is still running ?
  16. fallstuff

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    Is India providing the wheat for free, I think not ! Apollo is such a worthless Hospital that I will even advise you to avoid. This place is no different than the corner clinic run by some shady guys. India buys $50 to 60 billion worth of stuff from China, is India depended on China ?
  17. fallstuff

    For 2 yrs, India knocked on Khaleda door but returned disappointed

    Well Jamat gained substantial political capital in this whole Hasina dog n pony show. AL has lost all its support from the left and the average folks.
  18. fallstuff

    India to seek international recognition for Hasina’s government

    You should be able to almost walk across the river thanks to Farakka in this dry season.
  19. fallstuff

    A Ghost From India Haunts me Still by David Duke

    We are all somewhat racist to an extent, but we don't advocate murders, torture, and fascism which gives racism the form of Ku Klax Klan.
  20. fallstuff

    A Ghost From India Haunts me Still by David Duke

    Written by Dadid Duke, a former Grand Wizard of Ku klax Kan
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