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  1. anon45

    Japan to develop missile-detecting drone: report

    Sounds like a poor substitute to an early warning satellite. Can they not develop one of their own? There are better ways the money could be spent imo.
  2. anon45

    Sino-Japanese Rift is part of US is part of US strategy, says an ex diploma

    Japan having sovereignty of the Senkaku doesn't benefit the US in any fashion I agree. I also of course agree that the thread topic is absolute bull as the US is a status quo power and would rather not shake the boat, but the US state department has already affirmed that the Islands fall under...
  3. anon45

    Is China more legitimate than the West?

    It should be noted that legitimacy is ultimately a subjective criteria, If China's definition of what constitutes legitimacy is different from what constitutes it in the West, then they can't be compared, its apples to oranges. But it looks like Martin Jacques is trying to compare them using...
  4. anon45

    Is China more legitimate than the West?

    The funny thing is Martin Jacques would probably occupy the position of Liu Xiaobo If the West had the Chinese model of governance. Anyways, If Martine Jacques, a known sinophile, speaks truly of the differences in Chinese thought in governance, and legitimacy comes from the people, then the...
  5. anon45

    Surprise! US navy to have an active laser arsenal in 2 years.

    Rofl Again you demonstrate your lack of English comprehension, or you have the attention span of an 8 year old! The 1 year comment was not for the lasers, it was for the Zumwalt class ships that have been designed for DEW and Railgun use! We get those next year! The Lasers come the year after...
  6. anon45

    Why the U.S. needs Muslim allies

    You promote a racist world view by bringing in the concept that muslims hate 'whites', and so have already earned my skepticism to your opinion. On top of that, the acquaintance I speak of is someone whose knowledge I respect, and so His experiences already carry more weight to me than an...
  7. anon45

    Surprise! US navy to have an active laser arsenal in 2 years.

    And yet you can't comprehend, a test setting in a controlled environent != battlefield or combat ready! Chemical lasers != Electron lasers! Your military isn't ready, your tests aren't ready, Russia's had tests, hell the US has and the Soviet Union tested laser weaponry for decades, but it...
  8. anon45

    Why the U.S. needs Muslim allies

    From what I've heard from an acquaintance's trip to Morocco, most Muslims actually like the US, its just those who act out get all the news time. Which makes sense really given many government's of the middle East still see fit to play nice with the US. Muslims allies are necessary in the...
  9. anon45

    Surprise! US navy to have an active laser arsenal in 2 years.

    maybe in the late 2010's or early 2020's we'll see laser weaponry that can take down aircraft, right now its focus is defensive against missiles, drones, and small boats. That is the first generation so to say. Lasers will inherently stay a defensive weapon on naval vessels, but there are...
  10. anon45

    So, Stealth Now, What next?? The truth and Speculation of 6th Generation

    looks like self healing structures seem to be agreed on as a defined characteristic of 6th gen craft. That will be interesting to see.
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