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  1. anon45

    China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

    So India should give its territory to China for the sake of peace or China will take it from them in war? You really should think things through before you say them, you sound like a classic imperialist.
  2. anon45

    China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

    Not a smart move by China when it comes to foreign policy. Looks like a case of Domestic politics influencing international politics, because diplomatically China has nothing to gain from doing this, not even legitimacy, because now its broken ASEAN. related, I'm very surprised at the...
  3. anon45

    Weakness of Israel and US Arm Force

    What is an 'Arm Force?' USA : You are a decade off and have already been proven wrong. It is unquestionable that the US has the capability to takes its land forces anywhere in the world, and yes, to attack with them if need be. Whether that calls for Spec Ops attacks or mass conventional...
  4. anon45

    Ishihara rattles saber against China

    To put it simply, yes. Under the Nuclear umbrella a nuclear attack on one of our client states will trigger automatic nuclear retaliation on high-value targets (cities) and nuclear launchers when possible. In all likelihood we would fire off a thousand or so nukes on China's Seaboard, because...
  5. anon45

    Bus blown up in terrorist attack in Central Tel Aviv

    JonAsad, you can do so but by the time they are launching nukes, they will already have accepted that outcome... and that won't be any consolation to the millions of dead in your country, though it will probably be consolation to the savages that live. Israel is what exists, you must recognize...
  6. anon45

    Bus blown up in terrorist attack in Central Tel Aviv

    We aren't the ones facing bloody civil wars, and so your turnaround is not our problem, especially considering the evidence that those Indians you speak of actually 'stole' the land from an earlier wave of human immigration. We are talking about a much more serious contemporary matter that...
  7. anon45

    Bus blown up in terrorist attack in Central Tel Aviv

    People like you are why Israel exists, and people like you are why Palestine is in such a state. If you do not give Jews and Israel the right to life, they will fight for it, simple as that, and you cannot stop them. Should you be absolutely Nazi in your devotion to wiping out Jews then...
  8. anon45

    Bus blown up in terrorist attack in Central Tel Aviv

    You are aware that if Israel has nukes, your country is most likely in its targets right? You can go see your 72 star trek convention nerds in heaven I guess. I also must inform you that the city you live in would be targeted by Israeli nukes as well. If Israel goes down, you and likely your...
  9. anon45

    The Decline and Fall of America

    Well in the defense of Glen Browder, the article itself does not answer its headline, and the headline a provocative one to encourage productive public discussion on the nature of American democracy, of course the creator of this thread cares nothing about that and just wants to smear America...
  10. anon45

    A global cyber war has been waged on Israel!!!

    It should also be noted that 44 million instances of 'hacking' doesn't mean 44 million people are acting. Considering anonymous is part of the picture I'm fairly sure they are counting DDos attacks, would make sense with the trumped up numbers.
  11. anon45

    A global cyber war has been waged on Israel!!!

    The only thing is the accusation that Israel is arbitrarily keeping Gaza blockaded and actively trying to kill non-Hamas affiliated Palestinians doesn't hold water. The reasons for keeping Gaza blockaded are, at their core, based on Hamas' own charter, which calls for the destruction of...
  12. anon45

    There will be no Israel, in 10 years, says Henry Kissinger !!

    It's not even kissinger's words. He never said this, the op is just plain lying.
  13. anon45

    Who licensed Israelis to kill children?

    And no one can reply to Gambit. An interesting factoid I just learned is that Israel has used more firepower in the past week than Assad has used in the last year. Assad has caused 40,000 civilian casualties. Israel has caused less than 100. Don't try to lie that Israel is trying to kill...
  14. anon45

    Pictures from Gaza, attack by Savage Israel before their election in Jan

    Leader is fine with lies, I'm doubting whatever he posts now is legitimate. To the uninformed, do a background check on every photo he posts, you never know when he might be coopting photos of Syrian carnage, Israeli babies attacked by Hamas, and Palestinians killed by Hamas rockets. I...
  15. anon45

    There will be no Israel, in 10 years, says Henry Kissinger !!

    You have certainly made me more sympathetic towards Israel thanks to your behavior I grant you that. If Hamas and Hamas supporters need to lie and mislead, then they aren't really in the right are they? :edit: Having looked further into media manipulation and outright lying by Hamas media and...
  16. anon45

    U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

    Because the basic argument is that NATO is a threat to China, and that is ludicrious as it is currently. A SEATO would potentially be a threat, but NATO? No, and it would be idiotic of China to antagonize all NATO members when they aren't even looking at China. Especially since they roughly...
  17. anon45

    There will be no Israel, in 10 years, says Henry Kissinger !!

    Are you an idiot or a propagandist? If I put a title up saying Lahore has been nuked, and didn't have an article saying so, should that stay up? Get a fu@king clue man... If you have such confidence in your views you shouldn't have to lie. May have expected too much? :sick: Don't know how...
  18. anon45

    There will be no Israel, in 10 years, says Henry Kissinger !!

    The given article reports the exact opposite of the title thread, hopefully we will either see a thread change or a closure of this thread.
  19. anon45

    Britain topples US as most powerful nation on Earth: Survey.

    "I think America vastly undervalues the importance of soft power. It has a tendency to focus on the tangible and the concrete," Alright if you feel we undervalue soft power to the extent where you rate us second in the world ;) Does that mean Germany and France don't know the concept? ;)...
  20. anon45

    Israel prepared to widen Gaza offensive: Netanyahu

    Israel accepted the status quo of missiles being lobbed and tit for tat before and it accepted Hamas having missiles that could potentially reach its capitals (Jerusalem unofficial) when they had not been used, but now that they have been used, I do not see Israel stopping until it is assured...
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