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  1. anon45

    Days of free, open internet could soon become history

    The US has already gone through this battle against those in our government and industry who would choose to limit the people's access to the internet, and we won. We will fight it again if need be, but I think our congress will utterly reject this in the first place for fear of what will happen...
  2. anon45

    China's sixth-generation fighter aircraft

    I dont know about China, but I can confirm that the US has started research on what will actually make a 6th gen fighter 6th gen.
  3. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Why bother even responding to you? You want simple answers for a complex problem, far be it from me to teach you...
  4. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Bill confirms U.S. backing on Senkakus / 'Security treaty applies to isles' in Okinawa : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)
  5. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Those who take the side of China on Senkaku island issue are.... 1. They believe geographical distance is the only indicator that matters in all cases, no exceptions. 2. They are hardcore anti-Japanese. See, I can categorize too, and pigeonhole people too! We both know know the issue is more...
  6. anon45

    US Man: I Burned Mosque To Avenge Soldiers

    Well a monster drinker at the very least.
  7. anon45

    Guns in US are like religion

    It works in Israel because everyone has to serve at some point. Honestly Apebane, you sound like you'd fit right into your caricature... You obviously have the hate part down along with a large probability of racism based on ignorance and self-entitlement. All that's left is to determine...
  8. anon45

    Craziest man on earth - GUN NUTS - What world has been saying about USA....

    don't know about the guy, but the NRA plan offered is the most down to earth, one i've seen yet. It gets to the point and attempts to address the problem in a relatively cost-effective and reality driven way from the angle it has its own interest in. I could see this as being part of a pronged...
  9. anon45

    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    Great, another non-article using the qualifiers 'could could could'. Also post your source, its rude and suspect to not do so. It's what you presumably learned in middle school, do it.
  10. anon45

    US Man: I Burned Mosque To Avenge Soldiers

    I hope the man has a possibility of parole and learning about Islam/actually meeting friendly Muslims instead of just watching the news. The man has commited a crime, but thankfully he did not do something yet that could truly never be forgiven, with ignorant hate and property damage being the...
  11. anon45

    United States fails to ratify UN Child Rights treaty

    Yes Iran does, and has, especially if they are a threat to the Mullah regime. I'm very surprised you agree with us this time, perhaps you are having second thoughts?
  12. anon45

    Quantum Stealth; The Invisible Military Becomes A Reality

    Counter technology already exists, we know that for sure (well, as much as the rest of the article i guess) because the company itself has said it has developed a counter to the technology.
  13. anon45

    Pro-US/Japan, Anti-China/NK candidate wins Korean presidential election

    Its the difference between English and German.
  14. anon45

    CHINA’S TOP KILLER, Able to deal the the U.S. Navy's Five AC Battle Groups

    Holy crap, what is the source for this, it is barely legible terrible english! Did the poster translate this using google or something or is this self made? Either way I struggle to find any credibility in this purely on the lack of professionalism alone. I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi...
  15. anon45

    Quantum Stealth; The Invisible Military Becomes A Reality

    Well he hasn't shown anything to the public, so all we can do is guess. He's also said he doesn't care about public skepticism because he's shown it to the people that matter, take that as you will. He is obviously very confident, but he could be deluded. Hope this doesn't turn into a second...
  16. anon45

    US restricts access to alternative media outlets: Analyst

    :rolleyes: Yes we can view 'alternative sources', presstv works just fine, this is bull.
  17. anon45

    Militants that beheaded Pakistani soldiers were sponsored by the US, came f

    False Headline has been reported... lets see if anything is done.... Also people should stop posting articles without their sources.
  18. anon45

    Web of Failure: How China Internet Policies Have Doomed Chinese Soft Power

    He's replying in a sarcastic manner because your assertion that Facebook and Twitter are, and I quote, "Controlled by the CIA" is ludicrous, unproven, and I bet if you produced those wikileaks docs you've apparently seen we would see you have utterly misrepresented what was in them...
  19. anon45

    China to Japan: Don't test us

    And of course, those who make unfounded claims like Japan is a puppet state simply can't respond to logic :rolleyes: People should learn that there are very few puppet states these days, even North Korea, the closest example we have to one, is not a complete puppet. Every country has its own...
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