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  1. anon45

    Sunando Sen, originally from Kolkata, pushed to death under NY subway

    reports are that she was laughing 'psychotically' when she was charged...
  2. anon45

    Sunando Sen, originally from Kolkata, pushed to death under NY subway

    Always best to err on the side of caution... Stay safe.
  3. anon45

    ‘US, Russia plunging into new Cold War’

    So a failed set of propoals that caused the one who proposed it to be removed from his position?
  4. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Your implication about waiting til we got out of the Middle-East to 'play with China' implies we do not have forces in Asia significant enough to pose a major problem to China. We do, and the US is a global power and thus capable of having significant amounts of force in more than 1 region...
  5. anon45

    ‘US, Russia plunging into new Cold War’

    I edited what I said after reading in depth on the prior bill that has gotten Russia in such a stir, read my last response. I will not go along with your conspiracy theories though.
  6. anon45

    ‘US, Russia plunging into new Cold War’

    According to Wiki with a Russian newspaper as a source (English language,dated February of 2011), since 1991 '19 Russian children have died worldwide as a result of beatings and/or negligence'. Considering American families adopted 1000 Russian Children last year alone, I'd say your definition...
  7. anon45

    ‘US, Russia plunging into new Cold War’

    Frankly I could throw the question right back at you, how do you know? I know organized crime is a big problem in Russia, I know starting your own business in Russia is a big problem due to corruption (bribes), I know corruption in general is a big problem in Russia, I know orphans don't have...
  8. anon45

    Sunando Sen, originally from Kolkata, pushed to death under NY subway

    Well because stupid people are stupid. This ignorance would be fuggin hilarious if the consequences weren't so serious and a man wasn't dead because of it.:angry: Unfortunately she doesn't have a chance to rethink her ignorance now. Unlike that guy who got 20 years for his ignorance and...
  9. anon45

    ‘US, Russia plunging into new Cold War’

    I'd imagine most of these orphans would get involved in organized crime as soon as they were kicked out of the orphanages, its not like they are setups designed to make each orphan a scientist, engineer, artist, etc... Its a sad thing for these orphans.
  10. anon45

    ‘US, Russia plunging into new Cold War’

    Because banning adoptions to the US makes Russia look good to its citizens and the world? I don't follow the logic, how does this make Russia look any better. Its petty, plays with their lives, and isn't even in the pursuit of a goal, just a petty move.
  11. anon45

    Pentagon Preps Stealth Strike Force to Counter China

    China's Share of Reserves in U.S. Dollar Is Reduced - WSJ.com Chinese dollar reserves are half of what they used to be according to this. I've known it's useless as a weapon since I bothered to look into it years back, it is the 'CHINA STRONG!!!1!'ers and fearmongerers that have tried to...
  12. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    1.You imply the US hasn't had military forces in Asia for decades, an ignorant assumption. The PRC is the newbie to the area not the US. 2.You should worry about your own home country alienating those around it before you worry about the US. We're doing great thanks to your home country's...
  13. anon45

    Pentagon Preps Stealth Strike Force to Counter China

    China already tried to sell off half of its reserves, Japan snapped it up and the markets didn't blink an eye. China's dollar reserves as a weapon are more useless than they have ever been.
  14. anon45

    US sailors sue Japan's TEPCO for post-quake radiation exposure

    Thats rather callous and ignorant of you. If the sailors were indeed exposed needlessly to radiation due to bad info from TEPCO they would seem to have a case, as the effects of radiation are pretty grizzly. TEPCO also isn't a government company, so how you blow up US sailors and a Japanese...
  15. anon45

    Territorial Changes in the World Map?

    Lol whats the timeline you expect for this?
  16. anon45

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Chinese plane flies near Senkaku Islands : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri) And Japan continues to fly aircraft over its own airspace while China cowers back in terror at the magnitude of the Japanese response.
  17. anon45

    US firefighters shot dead in 'ambush'

    Well there is something special to talk about, why this sack of sh*t was only given a manslaughter charge after killing his grandmother with a hammer way back when, and then where he got his guns when he was not legally allowed them, if nothing else than to try to close off the black market as...
  18. anon45

    Latest test of groundbreaking reusable launch Tech by SpaceX!

    lol why are you so mad? Ive read your posts, such sour grapes, is it because your nationalism overwhelms your common sense?
  19. anon45

    Latest test of groundbreaking reusable launch Tech by SpaceX!

    Small steps leading to big accomplishments! :yahoo:
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