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  1. anon45

    US warplan against China : Choke China into submission via naval blockade

    First off a tank is irrelevant to the battlespace, second I'd say unless you can provide a credible source (preferably multiple sources) on your assertion that the latest Chinese tank (that would be the type 99 right? )can take on an Abrams, you are blowing smoke. You can believe Japan would...
  2. anon45

    What kind of global power will China be?

    I never said your history was worse, but neither is your history better. Your country's present actions have so far not shown much mature growth from your past though, while the US has outgrown the phase of imperialist territorial aquisition
  3. anon45

    US warplan against China : Choke China into submission via naval blockade

    Then you speak without a sense of reality, the US will remain a viable alternative for the near to medium term, while the long term is typically a terrible area to predict. It is not 'on the verge', China's GDP is roughly half of ours, that is not on the verge by any means. A few carrier...
  4. anon45

    Japan now plans to intervene and protect Taiwan during Chinese invasion

    There is another term for this, it is called fleeing the area.
  5. anon45

    Japan threatens opening tracer fire on Chinese aircraft from F-15J

    No! They are fueled by Pakistan! Never heard of these disputes 4-5 years ago. They fled the area before the F-15's reached gun distance.
  6. anon45

    NASA selling off launch pad, equipment

    Sounds good, Commercial spaceflight is a rising industry:tup:, i'm glad there is even a demand for this sort of equipment from the commercial space industry.
  7. anon45

    What kind of global power will China be?

    Erm no, China did not start at its current size, and hasn't been for most of its history. All I can say is you are completely wrong and/or have been taught wrong information. China has repeatedly invaded its periphery, had an almost racist view of the rest of the world (except instead of race...
  8. anon45

    US warplan against China : Choke China into submission via naval blockade

    nope, its standard procedure.
  9. anon45

    Kerry and Hagel Will Improve US Relations With China

    then do it quickly, or stfu and let the people who actually know something about China's interests talk. Seriously everyone knows you are a raging rah rah nationalist, but you are getting pretty infantile at this point. I know you yourself have never been to war and so you cannot appreciate...
  10. anon45

    US warplan against China : Choke China into submission via naval blockade

    No it won't, lol. You don't just build a ship and *boom* its ready. You provide no reasoning as to why US allies would 'abandon' the US and 'learn' to live with Chinese dominance of East Asia and with its absurd demands. Any self-interested power (and all powers are self-interested) would...
  11. anon45

    Do you think the USA will start a new wave of government overthrows with...

    Considering the expected standards of middle eastern government (outside of Israel), I'd say the amount of reporting on the so-called Arab Spring was warranted. I'd like you to point out where the US has started actively trying to overthrow the government's of Middle-Eastern country's seeing...
  12. anon45

    IRAN'S NUCLEAR BOMB PROGRAM COMPLETE ( Needs more Verification)

    Wing Nut Daily is not a credible source. WND - RationalWiki
  13. anon45

    What do you think will happen to the islamic world once israel is uprooted?

    I'd expect it to be a radiated wasteland for the mostpart, so it would be reclaimed by nature imo and/or descend into utter chaos and anarchy for the survivors. Of course high islamic population countries outside the region, like Indonesia would not be.
  14. anon45

    Britain would fight another war with Argentina to keep the Falkland Islands

    Its not like you order modern fighter Jets and 'boom', you have them ready to go. Don't you think the UK would notice and allocate its forces accordingly?
  15. anon45

    Chinese Journalists Protest Official Censorship

    hahahahahahaha really?:cheesy: Sorry, just seeing as I live in the US, Your view is absolutely outside of the stadium, to say nothing of the fact that it isn't only US media inside the US. Americans have access to most any type of media, be that Fox, CNN, BBC, PressTV, RT, Xinhua, etc...
  16. anon45

    Jeremy Lin: His Impact On Changing The Perception Of The Asian American Mal

    Sounds to me like you are what you hate, being racist by painting the actions of your supposed friend against hundreds of millions of other people. Perhaps this person isn't your friend, doesn't want to be your friend, and you can't take the hint? Perhaps you came on to her, she rejected, and...
  17. anon45

    The Real Truth About The American Economy!!

    Nice joke, but no basis in facts though, hope you are truly aware.
  18. anon45

    China's anti-satellite weapon a "trump card" against US

    Alright, where do I sign? :rolleyes:
  19. anon45

    China closes website after reform call

    Well you dont have to look much farther, than this ‘Constitution Should Be Abandoned’ Says Georgetown University Law Professor Its hard to go much past a red line than that without resorting to violent overthrow. Yes his paper is widely criticized (because people are free to criticize it)...
  20. anon45

    China closes website after reform call

    What is your definition of 'Chinese Civilization' that is so different from Chinese culture today?
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