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  1. M

    Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the conqueror of Afghanistan

    where is your source for all this? It seems like sikh propaganda, most muslims have suffered brutally whenever sikhs have ruled
  2. M

    Why there are no powerful Punjabi Muslims from History?

    Most muslim rulers were outsiders, thats why.
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    Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the conqueror of Afghanistan

    since when did he conquer afghanistan? stop making up history, at the most he captured peshawar, in which he didn't stay that long as pashtuns took it back. He was also very cruel to muslims in punjab
  4. M

    Which is the most successful civilization of human history?

    ^ please let us know what did you indians create before Hinduism arrived from outside? there is no history in India before this, you were obviously living in jungles and trees
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    ^ abay chal, 99% of muslim kashmiries still have sympathy with pakistanis, in their hearts they still want to join pakistan, even your own media shows this. They will never want to be part of India which is so different from kashmir
  6. M

    Which is the most successful civilization of human history?

    the only thing indian (ganga) civilization was successful at was copying others, even to this day indians only copy others, they never invent anything. Even their own religion hinduism was brought to them by someone else (aryans), before that indians were living in trees mostly The...
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    The amount of suffering these indians have caused to kashmiries, they will never for give these indians for it.
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    Soap Operas and Schools Bring Turkish Culture to Pakistan

    ^ why is it shame? Pakistani share borders with countries like Iran, Afghanistan and we are very close to the middle east, why can't watch stuff from there? why do indians need to dictate what we watch? we need to connect with our western border friends and share culture with them as well, we...
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    Saudisation of Pakisan

    It;s very easy to blame others, like I said I am not a fan wahabhis and saudis themselves have there own share of problems with extremism, but what is happening in pakistan is not related to wahabhis, wahabhism is not even that big in pakistan to be honest, pakistanis extermists are pakistanis...
  10. M

    MQM tops in target killers’ list: police

    ^ the day you make a pashtun or punjabi the leader of your party than I will listen, the fact is the top leadership and especially MR Jahil Altaf hussain are hard core extremist/nationalist muhajirs who hate other communities, until you change that, you will never ever win pakistani hearts and minds
  11. M

    MQM tops in target killers’ list: police

    Why did MQM hate Imran Khan before? why do you guys keep switching your view points? you are very unreliable to begin with, nobody will vote for you in the future. PTI has a strong base and I hope it sweeps karachi too, it will unite the people of Karachi, unlike your ethnic based party
  12. M

    MQM tops in target killers’ list: police

    brother the situation is very sad, however it is not that every urduspeaker/muhajir is against pashtuns, it's only these nationalistic MQM supporters who do these crimes against the pashtuns community, they mostly do these crimes in the poorer areas of Karachi, in many other areas of the city...
  13. M

    MQM tops in target killers’ list: police

    ^ there is no lying, MQM violence is a open book that everyone knows about, and people who have lived in poorer areas of Karachi have experienced their brutality I am gona say this again, MQM does not represent Muhajirs, sure Muhajirs vote for them, but it is because of there Bhattakhori how...
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    MQM tops in target killers’ list: police

    I think If PTI comes and does a good job, then I am sure a lot muhajirs will vote for them, it might take some time pursue them but if Imran Khan is genuine than it will happen, the biggest problem is that most parties in pakistan are ethnic based, especially in Sindh, that's why even if a...
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    MQM tops in target killers’ list: police

    ^ i dont love any leaders, but MQM has no right to kill innocent people, I myself have seen how their supporters beat and kill people on the streets of Karachi, it's nothing new, my uncle was also injured badly by them for not listening to them. The truth is that a lot of Urduspeakers just vote...
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    How Muslim clerics turn jihadist

    These mullahs need basics of Islam, they are just violent thugs, nothing else.
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    Interpol refuses to arrest Musharraf

    I dont personally like Musharraf, but one has to have 100% evidence before blaming anyone for murder
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    Soap Operas and Schools Bring Turkish Culture to Pakistan

    Good! i am sick and tired of Indian culture penetrating pakistani minds, it's finally time we watch some stuff from our western borders, places like Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Middle east etc...
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    Difference between Balochs and Pashtuns

    For anyone east of the indus river, Baloch and pashtun generally look very similar, I guess you have to study them to know the differences
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    Islamic Monuments in India - Whose Legacy?

    it's a the legacy of muslims of the subcontinent, especially the people who lived from Lahore to Lucknow because this was the center of Islamic civilization in south asia, so basically modern day muslim Punjabis and Urduspeakers (Karachite) people are their successors
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