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  1. T

    Thirty thousand Pakistanis dead since 2003

    the moment gujarat riots stops beingmentioned in this forum, indians will stop their comments on Pak matters.
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    India unveils military buildup plan against China

    haha , were you taught this in school. i am waiting for the day CCP tells all chinese to jump from a cliff, and you guys do it cuz you think the govt know everything.
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    India unveils military buildup plan against China

    at least the poor in india are not going to pakistan to blow them up
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    Ways of improving India-Bangladesh bilateral relations?

    Actually, I always had great hope from BAN. Although it s a muslim country, there is still a democratic culture. In just 30 yrs they have a noble winner in Younus and they are developing their human resource for their betterment. I think it will come up very well.there are some islamic terror...
  5. T

    wow..take a look at that Indian news reporter in jf-17 simulator

    i accept this post from indian media. this proves their credibility. see in india, the media is very free and can question the govt, unlike in china or pak. next time, if there is any post from indian media, dont tell to send from neutral source.
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    Are Pakistan and India like Tom and Jerry

    there are no genocides in india after '47. period. there have onnly been riots which were quelled within 3-4 days.
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    Indian painter given Qatar nationality

    See, in today's politically charged atmosphere such things are bound to happen. These paintings were done in 1970s . At that time no one really protested. Suddenly only 10 years ago why are everyone shouting? I think this is such a overblown thing only because MFH is Muslim, if I had painted it...
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    I have a feeling that since the fall of the ottoman empire and collapse of mughal empire in india, muslims have been shell shocked and suffer from deep insecurity, which is what is leading them to the path of terrorism. I honestly think that only the British and Americans are to blame for this...
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    wow..take a look at that Indian news reporter in jf-17 simulator

    have to admit the reporters comments were in bad taste, pandering to indian audiences probably. I doubt if he has ever seen the cockpit or even his own ****. Very poor reporting. For good Indian reporting stick to CNN-IBN, NDTV. lol .. the stars above are the first 4 letters of the earlier word...
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    Are Pakistan and India like Tom and Jerry

    i honestly think solving kashmir will not bring peace. If Pak gets kashmir or Kashmir gets freedom,then terrorists within pak, will want other parts of india citing some reason or other. Mind you none of these terrorsits are kashmiri. Hafeez Saeed has already started about Hyderabad and other...
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    Thirty thousand Pakistanis dead since 2003

    I sincerely hope so too
  12. T

    Thirty thousand Pakistanis dead since 2003

    indians dont want death to pakistanis. what will india gain? tell me..
  13. T

    Thirty thousand Pakistanis dead since 2003

    bata de, apne dil kholkar bata de, tumhare dil ki andar jo raaz chupa hai
  14. T

    British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

    Never. I dont support it. There was no terrorism involved with that . Purely political. If you have 2 mins please read my point of view. - few yrs before 1989 - BJP was a new party formed from various dead parties of late 70s. - they got between 2-10 seats in parliament, but had heavywight...
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    British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

    What is the mistake that ek_indian did to admit?
  16. T

    British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

    no hindu-muslim-ind-pak talk here. Only my point is force was needed in op BS and this did not mean that Sikhs are persecuted
  17. T

    British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

    Can you tell me how fake medicines that were marked Made in india, but actually made in China were found in Africa? - TTP may have received from AFghan taliban, who may have stolen these in Afghanistan - LIke Pakistan peints counterfeit Indian rupees, they might have printed Made in india...
  18. T

    British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

    you are most welcome, sir. Kindly see first line of post 45.
  19. T

    British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

    I dont know how authentic this is, but if it is, you should look at it now. Renovated by Govt Of India. babri masjid was pulled down completely, how is this similar ? Most of the destruction would have been caused by bhindranwale hiding in the temple.
  20. T

    British should have granted "Khalistan" to Sikhs in '47!

    Question is not whether is was bad attempt or executed well. Question is: Are Sikh persecuted as evidenced by Op BS ? My answer is no. If you say that you are persecuted because force is used in a shrine to flush out evil, then it has been done in the past, and I gave the example.
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